Cool VL Viewer forum

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Rules for contributions 
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5915
This sub-forum is reserved to contributions you would like to do to the Cool VL Viewer.

The contributions may be submitted in the form of:

  • Attached plain text files or embedded "[ code ]" sections in your post: for Lua scripts.

  • Attached tarball or zip files: for UI skins/themes, XUI translated files (viewer UI elements translations).

  • Attached patches (either in plain or gzipped text): for actual viewer code contributions.
    The patch files must apply cleanly (without any reject) to the latest released sources (from within the linden/ directory of the sources), with the -p1 option of the 'patch' utility, and must be with UNIX line endings (do not post patches containing CRs: always use a UNIX-compatible editor when modifying the viewer sources, and never save the modified sources as a DOS file). To obtain such a patch, you may keep a copy of the untouched sources of the viewer in the original linden/ directory and copy it to a linden-patched/ directory, modifying the sources in the latter, and then issuing (from a UNIX, CygWin or WSL terminal pointing at the directory containing both linden/ and linden-patched/):
    diff -durN linden/ linden-patched/ >your_patch_name.txt

Contributions that would aim to modify the viewer in such a way as to violate the TOS of any grid (SL or OpenSIM alike), in particular with regards to users privacy, and contents permission or integrity, would cause you to be immediately banned from this forum.

I reserve myself the right to include or not your contributions (with due credits should they be accepted), based on my sole judgment about their safety, usefulness, "bloatlessness" or desirability.
Even for contributions that won't get included (or that are not supposed to be, such as Lua scripts), nothing prevents you from maintaining/supporting them yourself via this forum.

2019-05-27 13:58:35
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