IO Completion Port based LLLFSThread for windows & Linux
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Joined: 2011-10-07 10:39:20 Posts: 208

Good to hear. And of course you are right about the little bugs. Hmm, ok, messed up booleans and default initialization..., my rusty C++ skills... Ok, yes, guess the error case should be setRequestResult(, true), the false would just requeue it which doesn't help most of the time (unless we hit some crappy virus scanners blocking the access on windows, but that usually happens on the CreateFile() call, not later). This isn't perfect yet, as the runCondition() makes the thread spin a bit too much just waiting, which wastes a few cpu cycles. It would be better to use some of the io_uring_wait_cqe* functions to block on completions and use some form of signal (like queing a NOP sqe io_uring_prep_nop() or the equivalend ... tionstatus ) to wake up, when some new requests get queued. Like this it is a bit of busy waiting on the completions, which improves latency, but wastes CPU. But thats mostly optimization, as the busy wait should be quickly over in most cases.
2021-10-06 10:29:04 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912
Houston, we have a problem ! While it now works fine under Linux, under Windows I get failures to decode UI images at the viewer launch and finally a crash due to the llassert_always(mPendingResults > 0): On this Windows 10 installation, the viewer got its cache on a hard disk.
2021-10-06 17:52:08 |
Joined: 2011-10-07 10:39:20 Posts: 208
Will have a look. The error codes are (from ... --500-999-) ERROR_IO_PENDING 997 (0x3E5) Overlapped I/O operation is in progress. and WAIT_TIMEOUT 258 (0x102) The wait operation timed out. The WAIT_TIMEOUT is expected, when no result can be dequeued by GetQueuedCompletionStatus(). The ERROR_IO_PENDING is also no error, but expected for async i/o calls. So "unable to do async read" is kind of wrong. Might be a call that completed synchronously.
2021-10-06 20:22:22 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912
For the failing assert, it's likely because the ++mThread->mPendingResults; does not happen in LLLFSThread::Request::processRequest() whenever "Unable to do async" occurs... Moving the increment before the test for async would likely solve this issue (but not the failed request).
2021-10-06 20:31:33 |
Joined: 2011-10-07 10:39:20 Posts: 208

Ah, guess this is the problem: if (!status || GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) status can be TRUE. ... 0/?p=12583So, the code isn't correct for that case, that we request async-IO, but it completes already before the call returns. So it returns TRUE and we have a valid result. It should probably be changed to read (and similar for WRITE)  |  |  |  | Code: HANDLE infile = CreateFile(ll_convert_string_to_wide(mFileName).c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if (infile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { llwarns << "Unable to read file: " << mFileName << llendl; mBytesRead = 0; // Failed return true; } mFile = infile;
// Calculate offset for overlapped I/O if (mOffset >= 0) { mOverlapped.Offset = mOffset; mOverlapped.OffsetHigh = 0; } else { ULARGE_INTEGER FileSize; FileSize.LowPart = GetFileSize(mFile, &FileSize.HighPart); mOverlapped.Offset = FileSize.LowPart + mOffset; mOverlapped.OffsetHigh = FileSize.HighPart; } mOverlapped.hEvent = NULL; // Attach file handle to the IOCP CreateIoCompletionPort(mFile, mThread->mIOCPPort, (ULONG_PTR)this, 0); DWORD status = ReadFile(mFile, mBuffer, mBytes, NULL, &mOverlapped); if (status == FALSE && GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { llwarns << "Unable to do async read: " << GetLastError() << llendl; mBytesRead = 0; // Failed return true; } ++mThread->mPendingResults;
|  |  |  |  |
and for WRITE  |  |  |  | Code: HANDLE outfile = CreateFile(ll_convert_string_to_wide(mFileName).c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); if (outfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { llwarns << "Unable to write file: " << mFileName << llendl; mBytesRead = 0; // Failed return true; } mFile = outfile;
if (mOffset < 0) { // Append mode ULARGE_INTEGER FileSize; FileSize.LowPart = GetFileSize(outfile, &FileSize.HighPart); mOverlapped.Offset = FileSize.LowPart; mOverlapped.OffsetHigh = FileSize.HighPart; } else { mOverlapped.Offset = mOffset; mOverlapped.OffsetHigh = 0; mOverlapped.hEvent = NULL; } // Attach file handle to the IOCP CreateIoCompletionPort(mFile, mThread->mIOCPPort, (ULONG_PTR)this, 0); DWORD status = WriteFile(mFile, mBuffer, mBytes, NULL, &mOverlapped); if (status == FALSE && GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { llwarns << "Unable to do async write:" << GetLastError() << llendl; mBytesRead = 0; // Failed return true; } ++mThread->mPendingResults;
|  |  |  |  |
2021-10-06 20:51:20 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912
I tried with your first suggestion: For read. For write. With this code (tested under both Win7 and Win10), I do not crash any more, but I still get a shitload of warnings in the log (with 1000 times (!) the amount of warnings under Win10 when compared with Win7). E.g., at UI images preloading step: For Win10. For Win7.
2021-10-06 21:47:29 |
Joined: 2011-10-07 10:39:20 Posts: 208
Ok, the warning is bogus. WAIT_TIMEOUT is expected and should not be logged. It is just the slightly stupid API, the flow is the same as for io_uring_peek_cqe() with have_work = false. Basically GetQueuedCompletionStatus() timed out waiting for the next completion, as we said 0 = no wait. So it returns FALSE + GetLastError() == WAIT_TIMEOUT. But that case wasn't handled and spams the log.
2021-10-06 23:08:08 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912
Should we 'break;' in case of timeout, or let have_work loop when true ?... EDIT: have_work has already been tested to be false at that point (was obviously too sleepy when I wrote that, last night)...
What worries me is the enormous amount of timeouts we get under Win10, meaning the thread spends its time spinning for nothing with lots of GetQueuedCompletionStatus() calls.
2021-10-06 23:58:41 |
Joined: 2011-10-07 10:39:20 Posts: 208
Thats the design issue with QueuedThread i mentioned before, like this it is kind of busy wait.
The whole yield/ms_sleep() code in the run() method there is a sign it does not use proper synchronization primitives, otherwise it would just block on those. So fixing this would involve changing run() for queued thread to actually block on some sync primitive like a mutex/wait_for_multiple_objects/io_ring_wait_cqe(), or similar instead of this busy looping/yielding.
So this is just a matter of you not seeing the "yield" calls but seeing the timeouts here. It does not get worse than before.
Now you see:
and before it was just:
yield yield yield
It might be interesting to instrument the llQueuedThread run() method to see how often it just busy waits instead of doing actual work in general.
2021-10-07 10:14:44 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912
Well, with the fix to the bogus warning, the code now seems to work fine under Windows as well... Its compilation will be enabled for next release, even if the setting governing its usage (UseIOUring) will still be FALSE by default (since this is still considered "experimental" code for now). I personally could not notice any obvious difference in rezzing speed or FPS "smoothness" under either Linux (but I'm using a ram-disk for the cache with the latter, so the difference is probably very slim anyway) or Windows (tested with 7 and 10, with a cache on a hard disk), but I did not perform any serious benchmarking either... It will be interesting to get some feedback from the viewer users. 
2021-10-07 12:09:38 |
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