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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

These are mainly bugfix and maintenance releases. Update is recommended.

Cool VL Viewer v1.26.1.8 (experimental, MESH branch)

New in this release:
  • Updated APR pools to the latest Snowstorm version (code by Aleric Inglewood). This should fix the crash bugs encountered on some systems when CurlUseMultipleThreads (Advanced -> Network -> Multi-Threaded Curl) is enabled.
  • Ported the new LLSingleton class from v3 viewer. Fixed a crash bug exposed by this change in LLVoiceClient class.
  • Replaced the old Socks5 and proxy code with v3's latest one. Merged the Network and Web tabs in the Preferences floater and debugged them.
  • Reworked (again) the muting code (see this message for details).
  • Improved the texture loading algorithm for attachments, leading to a gentler memory usage in crowded areas. Introduced a new TextureBoostBiasThreshold setting.
  • Made texture cache time-sliced purging an option (on by default), and added a toggle in the advanced menu (Advanced -> Caches -> Time-Sliced Cache Purges).
  • Reorganized a few options in the Advanced menu (some options which were wrongly placed in the UI sub-menu have been moved to the HUD Info sub-menu, the Clear Group Cache option is now in a Caches sub-menu).
  • Fixed a bug in the MAC build system that caused the viewer to fail to find the llcommon library (fix by Guru Coyote).
  • Backport of a few minor bugfixes from v3 viewer.

Cool VL Viewer v1.26.0.20 (stable branch)

New in this release: same changes as for v1.26.1.8 (see above), plus:
  • Added a "Camera Front View" toggle entry to the "View" menu.
  • Removed tcmalloc, since it is only needed for mesh support and causes a significant overhead in memory consumption.

Enjoy ! :D

2011-09-23 19:02:03
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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I just re-relased v1.26.0.20 and v1.26.1.8 today (CoolVLViewer- and CoolVLViewer- overlay packages). There is no change in the code of the viewers, but both were recompiled with the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE option which allows the executables to use more than 2Gb of memory on 64bits systems and 32bits systems supporting it (Windows XP 32bits and later should support it natively, Windows 2003 and sooner might support it with a special boot option: see Micro$hit "knowledge base" for how to set it).

Also, the new v1.26.1.8 overlay contains a patched version of the tcmalloc library that properly releases to the system the memory freed by the viewer (thus avoiding the apparent memory leak that mesh viewers show and that can lead to crashes).

2011-09-24 14:19:42
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

These are mainly polishing releases.

Cool VL Viewer v1.26.0.21 (stable branch)

New in this release:
  • Reworked the logic of the Graphics preferences panel so that options are properly disabled when the graphic card doesn't support them, or when other, required options are disabled by the user (should prevent issues such as the one described in this thread)
  • Moved the "Build" menu entry from the "View" menu to the "Tools" menu, where it always should have belonged.
  • Added an entry in the "View" menu to toggle the "Advanced" menu entry in the menu bar (the shortcut is still CTRL ALT D).
  • Added the CTRL ALT S shortcut to the "Advanced" -> "Debug Settings" entry of the login screen menu bar.
  • Never reject inventory offers from scripted objects when set busy and busy-mode auto-reject inventory offers is enabled (such offers are normally the result of your own interactions with objects, so it makes no sense to reject them). This is a backport from a fix in viewer 3.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented to remember partial mutes (combinations of Chat/Voice/Sounds/Particles mutes for avatars) over sessions.
  • Made it so that when the Mute List floater is open to select a given muted object/resident, it is actually scrolled appropriately to show that object/resident line in the list.
  • When muting an avatar from the Radar floater, the mute list is now automatically open to show the new muted avatar line.
  • Partial mutes are now shown in the avatar name tags (as "Muted (C/V/S/P)", where C stands for Chat, V for Voice, S for Sounds and P for Particles).
  • Reworked the Statistics floater so to update the ranges of its stat-bar indicators to match the numbers currently encountered with today's computers.
  • The "Advanced" -> "Network" -> "Multi-Threaded Curl" option is now again enabled by default since it should not cause crashes any more (if it does crash for you, let me know !).
  • Updated the security certificates file to the newest v3 viewers' one.
  • More MacOS-X related changes, by Guru Coyote, myself and Lindens (v3 fix backports by me).
  • RestrainedLove updated to v2.07.03.05 (see this thread for the only change in it).

Cool VL Viewer v1.26.1.9 (experimental, MESH branch)

New in this release: same changes as for v1.26.1.21 (see above), plus:
  • Various changes to model uploading code (not yet in use, but getting ready to implement it) and mesh repository backported from LL's latest mesh viewer 3 branch.
  • New "Avatar Rendering Cost" algorithm backported from LL's mesh development viewer branch (note that this is an entirely new scale and the new rendering cost numbers are approximately 50 times the old numbers, so don't be surprised).
  • Backported a few fixes and changes to the render pipeline from v3 viewers.
  • Added a "Deferred Rendering" sub-menu to the "Advanced" -> "Rendering" menu, holding advanced options ("Depth of Field", "Screen Space Ambiant Occlusion" and "Global Illumination").

Enjoy ! :D

2011-10-01 15:35:53
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

These are mainly polishing releases, but the mesh branch is now considered stable and its version number was bumped to v1.26.2.0 as a result.

Cool VL Viewer v1.26.0.22 (non-Mesh, legacy Windlight renderer, stable branch)

New in this release:
  • LLInstanceTracker and LLEventTimer classes brought on par with viewer 3's.
  • Backport from v3 of a fix to one potential crash bug in the material table name lookup code.
  • Backport from v3 of a fix to a minor bug in LLLineEditor.
  • Fixed a bug in the avatar parameters (pants waist height parameter was erroneously driving a lower jacket parameter). Fix by Shyotl Kuhr, borrowed from Singularity viewer.
  • Made it so that changing the anti-aliasing graphic hardware setting only takes effect after a viewer restart, since it otherwise corrupts the display.
  • Improved the "New IM" tab of the "Communicate" floater, now with split Friends and Groups lists.
  • Increased the maximum for the Packets In and Out bar-graphs in the Statistics floater to encompass commonly encountered values.
  • Made it so that Web URLs in the "2nd Life" and "Picks" tabs of the "Avatar Profile" floater are shown as clickable links. Code adapted from Kadah Coba's code, borrowed from Phoenix viewer.
  • Fixed the detection of mesh-enabled sims for servers not supporting the new "SimulatorFeatures" capability (may be the case for OpenSim grids).
  • Made it so that when connected on the beta grid, the attachments list is saved in and read from a different file so to avoid getting your avatar's worn attachments messed up on login when you switch from the beta grid to the main grid and vice versa (happened when you wore different outfits on the two grids).
  • Minor code cleanup.

Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.0 (Mesh, new Shadow renderer, stable branch)

New in this release: same changes as for v1.26.1.22 (see above), plus:
  • Backport from viewer v3 mesh-development branch of a couple crash bugs.
  • RenderMaxNodeSize default setting increased to cope with complex meshes (backport from v3).
  • Fixed a mesh-related crash bug that could potentially affect Windows builds. Fix by Nicky Dasmijn, borrowed from Phoenix viewer.

Note: when updating from v1.26.1.x to v1.26.2.0, you might want to copy your settings_coolvlviewer_1261.xml file to settings_coolvlviewer_1262.xml (file to be found in the "user_settings" directory, itself located at the same level as the "logs" directory) to avoid reconfiguring the whole shebang.

Enjoy ! :D

2011-10-08 12:29:47
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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Henri Beauchamp wrote:
  • RenderMaxNodeSize default setting increased to cope with complex meshes (backport from v3).
This was probably a bad idea... I'm investigating further, but it seems to increase the memory usage in a large proportion for a disputable benefit (seeing no difference with meshes, here). Since the mesh viewers are already memory-hungry and can hit the 2.5Gb limit imposed on 32bits applications (thus causing crashes), I'd recommend to anyone using v1.26.2.0 to lower the RenderMaxNodeSize setting back to its former value (8192).

2011-10-09 09:17:01
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

Cool VL Viewer v1.26.0.23 (non-Mesh, legacy Windlight renderer, stable branch)

New in this release:
  • Fixed the issue (coming from a change done in a former v1.26.0 release) that made a change to a parcel description in the About Land floater not propagating to the server (see this thread for details).
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when clicking on an orphaned attachment (in some rare cases, those can still render while they should not). Fix adapted from code by Shyotl Kuhr, borrowed from Singularity viewer.
  • Fixed a crash bug that could occur on next login after having shortened the list of OpenSim grids (grids.xml).
  • Fixed a bug that could cause IMs to be logged in two different files for new residents (example: "JohnDoe Resident.txt" (correct) and "JohnDoe.txt" (incorrect)) and that caused IM sessions initiated by such residents have "Resident" appearing as their last name while the "Never display 'Resident' as the last name in legacy names" setting was active.
  • Changed the name list code to use the new avatar name fetching capability when available to prevent slow loading of avatar names on SL in many lists (and especially group members lists): it looks like the SL servers are now much slower to reply to legacy names fetching queries, even though those are still in use in viewer 3... It would be ironic to see LL shutting down or degrading dramatically a legacy capability while their own newest viewer still needs it...
  • Backport from v3 viewer of a fix to a possible hanging issue in the texture fetch queue on some MacOS-X systems.
  • Prevent crashes on out of (virtual) memory condition when loading textures. Fix by Shyotl Kuhr, borrowed from Singularity viewer, with a couple more fixes by me.
  • UI change: Enable the stripes even for one column scroll lists (stripes drawing are now only controlled by the XML definitions, via the draw_stripes parameter).
  • Updated the OpenSim grids list (added Island Oasis and removed 7 dead grids).
  • Added a new PrivateLookAtLimit setting (see this thread for details). This setting can be changed from the Preferences floater, "Cool features" tab, "Miscellaneous" sub-tab.
  • Some speed optimizations in Windlight settings floaters, by Shyotl Kuhr, borrowed from Singularity viewer.
  • Added tooltips to the more obscure settings of the "Cool features" tab in the Preferences floater.
  • Minor code cleanup by me and a couple of minor fixes backported from LL's v3 viewer.

Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.1 (Mesh enabled, new Shadow renderer, stable branch)

New in this release: same changes as for v1.26.1.23 (see above), plus:
  • Reverted a render pipeline optimization that was backported from LL's v3 viewer to v1.26.1.9 and that caused crashes on some video card/driver combinations.
  • Backported the Model Preview floater from LL's v3 mesh branch in preparation for mesh upload support (still disabled for now, by lack of an Open Source convex decomposition library: HACD looks promising but is still way too crashy to be of any practical use for now).
  • A few rendering fixes backported from viewer 3.
  • RenderMaxNodeSize default setting reverted back to its former value since the increased value didn't change anything to Mesh rendering but caused a larger memory usage.
  • The info display appearing while rezzing mesh objects has been made into a debug setting (in "Advanced" -> "HUD Info" -> "Show Mesh Queue"), which is now off by default.
  • Some dead code, related to the deprecated "render for select" debug feature has been removed. Patch by Shyotl Kuhr, borrowed from Singularity viewer.

Enjoy ! :D

2011-10-15 13:13:39
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

Cool VL Viewer v1.26.0.24 (non-Mesh, legacy Windlight renderer, stable branch)

New in this release:
  • Implemented a grid manager tab in the Preferences panel. The Cool VL Viewer always provided a grid selection combo on the login screen, but adding grids or updating their parameters was non-trivial (it involved editing manually the app_settings/grids.xml file). With the grid manager, you can now complement the grids list and update existing grids parameters through the UI. It also allows to auto-retrieve the parameters for the grids implementing this feature (i.e. most OpenSim grids). The updated/added grids are stored in the user_settings directory and are therefore not affected when updating the viewer. While this grid manager resembles Hippo's/Imprudence's one it is yet a full rewrite by me and got improved features (such as non-blocking parameters retrieval, proper enabling/disabling of the UI elements depending on what can be done, and transparent management of two lists: the default/reference one, and the custom one).
  • As a result the above change, the various links (register and lost password links on the login screen, website and support links in some UI elements, etc) are now properly changed to match the grid you connect to.
  • Default grids list updated.
  • Added a "Use the new SL login screen (requires a restart)" setting to the UI sub-tab of the "Cool features" tab in the Preferences panel, to allow loading the new SL login page that was put in place for viewer 3.
  • Minor code cleanup.

Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.2 (Mesh enabled, new Shadow renderer, stable branch)

New in this release: same changes as for v1.26.1.24 (see above), plus:
  • Added the missing callback for drag and drop events on the Projection texture for the Light settings in the Features tab of the Build tool. See this message for details.
  • Updated the GLOD library to the latest version, and paved the way for using HACD as a vertex decomposition library (not used for now) instead of the stub library.
  • Fixes and improvements to the Model Preview floater in preparation for mesh upload support (still disabled for now).

Enjoy ! :D

2011-10-22 18:00:45
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

These are polishing/bugfix releases.

Cool VL Viewer v1.26.0.25 (non-Mesh, legacy Windlight renderer, stable branch)

New in this release:
  • Implemented a new setting (in "Preferences" -> "Input & Camera") allowing to automatically switch the camera to the front view when your avatar sits down on an object and reverting it back to the normal view when it stands back up.
  • Fixed a few minor glitches in how the grid names and buttons get selected and enabled/disabled in the grids list editor preference panel.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the "Sit Here"/"Stand Up" item to work in the avatar pie menu.
  • Fixed a crash bug that could sometimes occur when force-reloading textures of a selected object (CTRL SHIFT U).
  • Fixed a potential crash bug in LLVOAvatar::getRenderPosition().
  • RestrainedLove updated to v2.07.03.06 with a couple of minor bugs (see this thread) and a new feature implemented (gestures activated/deactivated when part of a force-worn/removed #RLV sub-folder). See the RestrainedLove Readme for full details.
  • Added new menu entries to the "World" -> "Environment Settings" sub-menu to open directly the Windlight, Water, Day Cycle editors (see this thread for details).

Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.3 (Mesh enabled, new Shadow renderer, stable branch)

New in this release: same changes as for v1.26.0.25 (see above), plus:
  • Fixed a crash bug that occurred while in deferred rendering mode when switching the wire frame mode off (see this thread for details).

Enjoy ! :D

2011-10-28 19:15:26
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

Important, distribution change: I finally found an easy to use, powerful, multi-platform installer software (InstallJammer). This lead me to provide the Cool VL Viewer as a stand-alone package instead as of an overlay to Snowglobe v1.4.2. Note that the latter is still downloaded during the installation process so to extract from it the few proprietary files (the KDU image decoder and the Vivox voice system) whenever needed (i.e. when making an installation from scratch: updates do not trigger a Snowglobe download).
For this reason and since the executable files are now branded following the Cool VL Viewer name instead of Snowglobe's, you will need to uninstall completely any fomer v1.26 version of the Cool VL Viewer, and to reinstall v1.26.0.26 and/or v1.26.2.4 (both can be installed on the same system if needed/wished).
There is a small drawback to this new installation method: since the Cool VL Viewer menus are not translated, the UI is now English only; the "overlay" installation method allowed to use the old Snowglobe translations, but these were so very deprecated that they could cause more troubles (and even crashes) than anything else: if you still want to use the Snowglobe translations, just copy the corresponding directory manually into skins/default/xui/, but do make sure to remove the notifications.xml file from the translations (else, you will get crashes) !

Cool VL Viewer v1.26.0.26 (non-Mesh, legacy Windlight renderer, stable branch)

New in this release:
  • Added full support for the new "Neck" and "Avatar Center" attachment points, but issue a warning the first time you use them and show a notify tip the next times, since they are incompatible with older viewers (objects attached to these points would appear in weird places when rendered in viewers not supporting them).
  • Changed the "Make New Outfit" modal dialog for a full fledged, non-modal floater, that can be opened as well from the File menu of the Inventory floater (without having to enter the Edit Appearance mode), and that auto-refreshes when clothes and attachments are added/removed to/from your avatar.
  • Fixed the problem with the notifications using "save_option" (such as when replacing a worn attachment by another), that never remembered when you asked them not to show again.
  • Added a "Disable selected popup" button to the Notifications tab of the Preferences floater.
  • Fixed a bug in the teleport history loading code that could mess up histories from different avatars/grids when you changed the grid in the login screen. Also added sanity checks to reject bad history entries (old format entries, or history file from another, non-compatible viewer).
  • Fixed a bug that caused rejected inventory offers to be improperly notified to the inventory listeners. This is a backport from viewer 2/3 by Shyotl Khur, borrowed from Singularity.
  • Added the new LSL function and constants (llSetKeyframedMotion(), KFM_COMMAND, KFM_MODE, KFM_DATA, KFM_FORWARD, KFM_LOOP, KFM_PING_PONG, KFM_REVERSE, KFM_ROTATION, KFM_TRANSLATION, KFM_CMD_PLAY, KFM_CMD_STOP, KFM_CMD_PAUSE) that appeared in this week's RC Magnum server release in SL.
  • Made it so that objects causing bad octree insertions issue warnings in the log, but in a non-spamming fashion (maxed out the warnings to one every 10 seconds instead of dozens per second).
  • Moved the mime_types*.xml files from the default skin folder to the app_settings folder, where they should always have belonged.
  • Added a "Prefer retrieved login URI" check box to the Grids tab of the Preferences floater and improved the layout of the latter (also added a couple of tool-tips).
  • Fixed the problem in the login panel with the saved logins combo that showed duplicate entries each time the grid list was changed from the Preferences/Grids floater.
  • OpenSim grids list updated.
  • Added the maturity rating (PG/M/A) after the region names in the map floater.
  • Made it so that, if you got a UI sounds directory installed (see this message for how to do this), then the UI sounds play at the login screen as well.
  • Full branding of the viewer, including for executable names.
  • Brand new, full fledged installer.

Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.4 (Mesh enabled, new Shadow renderer, stable branch)

New in this release: same changes as for v1.26.0.26 (see above), plus:
  • Now making use of the HACD library instead of the convex decomposition stub. Note that although the viewer implements the necessary UI and code to upload meshes, this feature is not yet functional because of missing features in HACD (the physics decomposition steps are incomplete).
  • Made the model preview floater code 64bits compatible.

Enjoy ! :D

2011-11-05 18:24:59
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New installers have been posted on the website. No change in the viewer code, just a new panel to allow using an already downloaded Snowglobe archive. Note however that the old installer for v1.26.2.4 had a deprecated avatar_lad.xml file packed in, which prevented to use the new Neck and Avatar Center attachment points. If you got the old installer, you can now get the new one and update the v1.26.2.4 installation with it to fix this issue.

See the Windows Howto for the screenshots and directions.

2011-11-07 13:15:57
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