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Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912

Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from Cool VL Viewer v1.26.0.27 (non-Mesh, legacy Windlight renderer, stable branch) New in this release: - Fixed the bug (introduced in a former v1.26.0 release) that prevented the "Show 'Typing' in the name bubble when avatar type" feature to work properly.
- All texture controls now stay "clickable" even when disabled (i.e. when you can't change the corresponding texture) so that they open a texture preview floater on click, allowing to see the texture at full size and with any aspect ratio. Of course, the textures previewed in this way can't be saved to disk and protected textures that don't show in the texture controls can't be previewed at all either. Consequently removed the "View" buttons in the avatar info floater (SL and RL tabs), since you can now just click on the pictures to enlarge them.
- Made it so that when opening the "Teleport History" and "Area Search" floaters, they are brought on top of the floaters stack and take focus instead of staying behind.
- Improved the "Area Search" floater by highlighting in bold text the tracked object line in the list and by displaying its coordinates in the floater status line (objects tracking is still triggered by double-clicking on their line in the list).
- Changed the separate (but exclusive from each other) DoubleClickAutoPilot and DoubleClickTeleport settings for a DoubleClickAction one, and improved the logic for both, also adding a DoubleClickScriptedObject setting to allow/disallow teleporting/auto-piloting to scripted objects on double-click. Removed the annoying spurious (and thus meaningless) "Autopilot canceled" tooltip. Moved the double-click teleport and double-click autopilot settings from the "Advanced" -> "UI" menu and "Cool features" -> "Miscellaneous" tab to the "Input & Camera" tab of the Preferences floater (and reworked the latter for a better and clearer layout).
- Double-clicks on Mini-Map now always open the "Worl Map" floater (used to TP you when DoubleClickTeleport was active, and to open the world map when DoubleClickTeleport was inactive), and CTRL-double-click on the Mini-Map now always TP you. Mini-map tooltip changed to reflect this, and made more explicit/complete. "Rotate Mini-map" menu entry (in Advanced -> UI) removed since there is already one such entry in the Mini-map context menu.
- Added a FadeMouselookExitTip setting (corresponding spinner in Preferences -> Cool features -> "User Interface") to allow auto-fading out the "Press SHIFT ESC to leave Mouselook" tip a configurable number of seconds after entering mouselook mode. Adapted from code by Shyotl Khur, borrowed from Singularity.
- Fixed a memory leak in OpenAL audio engine. Fix by Nicky Dasmijn, borrowed from Phoenix.
- A few minor code improvements.
- Improved installer which now remembers where you store the Snowglobe archive for later reuse when needed.
Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.5 (Mesh enabled, new Shadow renderer, stable branch) New in this release: same changes as for v1.26.0.27 (see above), plus: - Removed the deprecated and broken llviewerjointmesh SSE/SSE2/vectorized code that is now replaced by a further optimized SSE2 version. This is a backport from viewer 3 ("davep/shining-fixes" branch).
- Finished the backport of the Mesh Upload feature for Linux (still crashing for Windows, alas, apparently because of a bug in he glod library and/or VS2005).
Enjoy ! 
2011-11-12 11:55:28 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912

Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from IMPORTANT NOTE: v1.26.0 is now feature-frozen and will only be updated from times to times with bug fixes before it is dropped sometimes in early 2012. Users of v1.26.0 are encouraged to upgrade to v1.26.2 !Cool VL Viewer v1.26.0.28 (non-Mesh, legacy Windlight renderer, stable branch) New in this release: - Implemented a black-listing feature for RestrainedLove commands. Made a separate sub-tab for RestrainedLove settings in the "Cool features" tab of the "Preferences" floater, and added a "User Profile" setting (with a default (empty blacklist), "BDSM Persona-Player" profile, a "BDSM Role-Player" profile and a "Non-BDSM" profile) and a "Cutsom" profile button that opens a new "RestrainedLove Black List" floater (in which you can blacklist individual groups of commands, by category). Also added a RestrainedLoveUntruncatedEmotes setting, reworked the "Advanced" -> "RestrainedLove" sub-menu, and added a @getcommand command. See this thread and the release notes section in the RestrainedLoveReadme.txt file for details.
- Removed deprecated code and improved the Advanced menu accordingly. Also made it so that non-Lindens cannot try and use Linden-reserved Admin options in SL (the said options won't work anyway, but could cause trouble to the unsuspecting user, for such attempts are logged...).
- LLMuteList::isLinden() now always returns FALSE when logged-in on OpenSim grids since "Linden" is not the admin name on them (and there is no way to know what the admins' last name is on an OpenSim grid) and since it would prevent muting people registering with "Linden" as a last name on an OpenSim grid.
- Fixed a bug due to a race condition that could cause a spurious overwriting of the "My notes" data in the Avatar profiles with the "Loading..." text.
- Backported a texture cache clearing bug from v3 viewer.
- Fixed a potential crash bug that could occur when disconnected during a TP. Fix by Techwolf Lupindo, borrowed from Phoenix viewer.
- Increased the maximum number of characters in string debug settings to 2048.
- Some code cleanup.
- Updated the credits in the About floater.
- Improved the installer (added a --snowglobe option for silent installs, etc). See this message for details.
Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.6 (Mesh enabled, new Shadow renderer, stable branch) New in this release: same changes as for v1.26.0.28 (see above), plus: - Enabled Mesh upload for Darwin builds (note that the BlockingFilePicker setting is ignored for Darwin builds and considered as always TRUE, since the non-blocking file picker code path causes crashes on Macs).
Enjoy ! 
2011-11-19 14:03:40 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912

Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.7 (Mesh enabled, new Shadow renderer, stable branch) New in this release: - Fixed the non-blocking mesh upload file picker crash bug under Linux and implemented non-blocking file and directory pickers for Linux and Windows builds for all other file/directory picking operations (MacOS-X builds don't have it activated since the current code would crash them: any person knowledgeable about MacOS-X coding is welcome to contribute !). This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled via the "Advanced" -> "UI" -> "Use a non-blocking file picker" setting.
- Added "Save To File" and "Load From File" features to both the script and notecard editors.
- Fixed a crash bug in the media plugin code.
- Made it so that the "Fly" button in the movement controls floater is properly disabled when you can't fly.
- Improved the Object Backup exporter, making it load exported textures more aggressively to avoid having to wait forever for them to load and be saved.
- Made it so that the "Advanced" -> "Compress Images to JPEG2000" feature works for any type of image, and not just TGA ones.
- Made it so that the "Advanced" -> "Character" -> "Character Tests" -> "Appearance to XML" feature asks you where to save the file instead of saving it into the viewer installation directory.
- Optimized and speeded up the per-frame refreshing code for the status bar, the toolbar, the chat bar, the overlay bar and the chat history.
- Added code in a couple of places to prevent log spam that could cause slow downs in some rare conditions.
- Backported the system fonts loading caping from v3 viewer (prevents loading more than 40 system fonts under Linux, and thus saves memory on systems with loads of fonts installed).
- Backported form v3 viewer the change in the About Land floater that now displays "Loading..." for the traffic (instead of "0") while that info is retrieved from the server.
- Backported from v3 a fix to the mesh upload feature, dealing with model materials parsing.
- Removed the useless (because both unused by TPVs and deprecated for SL viewers) auto-updater code in Windows and MacOS-X builds.
- Removed the pointless and deprecated "floatertest" code.
- Various minor bug fixes backported from v3 viewers (development and davep/shining branches).
- Installer improved so that --destination and --snowglobe command line options override any previous installation' saved directory paths.
Enjoy ! 
2011-11-26 14:35:22 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912

Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from They are mainly bug fix releases, fixing serious bugs: all users are encouraged to update.Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.8 (Mesh enabled, new Shadow renderer, stable branch): New in this release: - Backported from v3 a fix to the "Multi-threaded Curl" crash bug encountered on some Windows and MacOS-X systems.
- Fixed a mesh queue download stalling bug that could sometimes lead to non-rezzing rigged meshes. Fix by Nicky Dasmijn.
- Updated RestrainedLove to v2.08.01 (see the release notes chapter in the RestrainedLoveReadme.txt file for details).
- Updated the boost libraries from v1.39 to v1.45 (same as v3 viewers).
- Updated the HACD convex decomposition library.
- Recompiled the glod, colladadom and tcmalloc libraries with VS2005 SP1 to prevent multiple MSVC runtime versions from appearing in the viewer and libcolladadom.dll manifests, that could lead Windows to refuse to run the viewer on systems that didn't get the latest MSVC security updates.
- Implemented grass and tree types selection in the build tools (code by an unknown author, borrowed from the Imprudence viewer).
- Improved the About floater and made it fecth the proper server release notes URL in SL to prevent the bad certificates error on following it (backport from v3 viewer).
- Removed the now deprecated Google translation code (and since Google is too greedy to provide a free translation API, I'm not going to support their new paying API, so don't ask for it !).
- Further optimized the chat bar, the chat console, the IM panel, the HUD, the media and music remote controls and the mini-map to make their per-frame rendering code faster.
- Fixed the tracker arrow flickering that could sometimes happen when tracking immobile avatars with the radar.
- Fixed the "OK" button misplacement in the Friends floater on the first use of the viewer.
Cool VL Viewer v1.26.0.29 (Mesh enabled, new Shadow renderer, stable branch): Please note that this release will most probably be the last release of the v1.26.0 viewer: consider upgrading to v1.26.2 (and if you don't have a SSE2-capable CPU to run v1.26.2 on your computer, it's just about time to write a nice letter to Santa...  ). I will not bother listing the changes here (if you wish, you can infer them from the corresponding diff file): basically, they are a catch-up with all the bug fixes and a few of the improvements that went into v1.26.2.7 and, plus an update to RestrainedLove v2.08.01. But there is no new feature per see. Enjoy ! 
2011-12-03 14:25:03 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912

Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from They are mainly bug fix releases (got little time to program, this past week, so there is no new feature): all users are encouraged to update.Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.9 (Mesh enabled, new Shadow renderer, stable branch): New in this release: - Fixed a bug (introduced in a former v1.26 release) that prevented muting objects via the Mute button of the script permissions dialog. Also made it so that the mute list is automaticaly opened when muting objects in this way.
- Fixed two bugs (among which one crash bug) in RestrainedLove (see the release notes chapter in the RestrainedLoveReadme.txt file for details).
- Fixed the bug that prevented entering manually the width and height values for the uploaded snapshots (note that the size of such directly uploaded snapshots are still leading to 128x128, 256x256 or 512x512 pictures, but since you could already change the size of the screen area they cover via the spinners arrows, there was no reason to prevent changing it via direct keyboard entry).
- Fixed the bug that prevented proper spacing between "Typing" and "Muted(S/P)" indicators in the avatar name bubbles.
- Added highlighting and tool-tips for the new llTransferLindenDollars() and transaction_result() LSL function and event.
- Renamed the "Avatar Center" attachment point into "Root" to match viewer 3 naming conventions.
- Optimized the notifications to make their per-frame rendering code faster.
- Further improved the About floater by adding a separate tab for License & Copyright stuff.
- Implemented a warning dialog that pops up when you disable the Hardware Skinning in the Graphics preferences, since doing so prevents rendering rigged mesh objects (mesh objects worn on your avatar) because of a shortcoming in the v2.6 renderer currently used by the Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2. Also updated the GPU feature tables to enable hardware skinning by default. Note also that to properly render rigged meshes, you need to keep the Basic shaders enabled (but it's also the case in v2/3 viewers anyway... and v3.2 is even worst since disabling the basic shaders stops rendering the avatar bodies and the UI !...).
- Implemented proper error reporting (instead of voluntarily crashing the viewer) when some corrupted mesh models are selected for upload.
- Updated the Windows libraries dealing with mesh upload (but still having issues with colladadom, apparently, since it fails to decode properly .*dae files under Windows... At least, trying to upload meshes under Windows no more crashes the viewer).
Cool VL Viewer v1.26.0.30 (non-Mesh, legacy Windlight renderer, former stable branch): Please note that this is the last release of the v1.26.0 viewer: please upgrade to v1.26.2 (and if you don't have a SSE2-capable CPU to run v1.26.2 on your computer, it is still time to write a nice letter to Santa...  ). The changes in this release are the same as the ones listed above for v1.26.2.9, mesh-related stuff excepted. Enjoy ! 
2011-12-10 12:27:12 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912

Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from They are mainly bug fix releases: all users are encouraged to update.Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.10 (Mesh enabled, new Shadow renderer, stable branch): New in this release: - Backported from v3 a fix to a crash bug that could occur should a cached decoded sound file get corrupted or unreadable.
- Fixed a bug (introduced in the previous v1.26 release) that prevented your own scripted objects to be granted script permissions (inactive "Yes" button in the permission dialog). See this thread for details.
- Do not reject inventory offers for people who only got muted for chat.
- Added a group chat muting feature (and a corresponding "Receive chat" check box in the General tab of the Group Info panel).
- Added a "Memory Usage Safety Check" option and feature (can be toggled from the Advanced menu) to monitor the virtual memory address space usage by the viewer and automatically lower the texture memory demand when it reaches a critical level that would lead to a crash: on reaching critical memory usage, the viewer first increases the discard bias level (to lower the memory allocated to textures), then if it's not enough it reduces the draw distance and warns you about it via a dialog, then if still not enough (when the draw distance is at the minimum 64m value already) it resets your camera to its default position (caming around is what causes the highest memory usage) and warns you once about a potential crash. This feature is currently implemented for Linux and Windows only (I have no clue of how to compute actual virtual memory usage on Macs...). You may also adjust the MainMemorySafetyMargin debug variable (defaults to 200Mb) to fine tune this feature (increase it if you still crash while caming around in over crowded or over textured areas). The default value should however work fine and was tested successfully under 32bits/PAE Linux (8Gb RAM), 32bits Windows 7 (3Gb RAM) and 64bits Windows 7 (8Gb RAM).
- Backported a few fixes to graphics and texture glitches from v3 (shining branch).
- Backported a speed optimization from v3 (texture decoding during occlusion wait).
- Added a few fast timers (for texture cache, texture decode, texture fetch, VFS, LFS and occlusion wait) that exist in v3.
Cool VL Viewer v1.26.0.31 (non-Mesh, legacy Windlight renderer, deprecated stable branch): I know I said v1.26.0.30 would be the last release, but since I introduced an annoying bug in it, I felt compelled to fix it and here is v1.26.0.31... This time, it's definitive and this is the last release of the v1.26.0 viewer: please upgrade to v1.26.2 ! The only two changes in this release are the fixes to the scripts permission dialog and muting bugs, and to the corrupted audio file crash bug (see the first three items listed for v1.26.2.10 changes). Enjoy ! 
2011-12-16 13:25:01 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912

Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.11 (Mesh enabled, new Shadow renderer, stable branch): This is mainly a bug fix release: all users are encouraged to update.New in this release: - Reverted the buggy bug fix (sic !) that was backported from v3 into v1.26.2.10 and actually caused sounds to fail to play the first time they were invoked, and made a proper bug fix to the corrupted sound crash bug under OpenAL. See this thread for details.
- Reverted a backport from v3 into v1.26.2.10 that was supposed to prevent cursor flickering but was failing lamentably (especially when hovering the mouse cursor over the inventory floater while the inventory was loading).
- Backported v3 code for inventory loading on login (with glue code to the legacy loadSkeleton() borrowed from Singularity).
- Fixed the bug that prevented inventory links to be properly reloaded from cache on login and was causing systematic reloading of those links from the asset server. See this thread for details.
- Hardened the code for auto-reattachment of multiple attachments per joint on login (you may also now fiddle with new debug settings governing it: MultiReattachMinDelay and MultiReattachMaxDelay). See this thread for details.
- Fixed a bug that would cause HTTP textures to try and reload forever when the texture server is overloaded (503 error), causing both log spamming (and thus viewer slow down) and grey textures: now gracefully falls back to SIM texture fetches.
- Fixed glitches in the group chat muting feature and in group panel displaying in the Search floater, Groups tab (some settings failed to be properly hidden or disabled). See this thread for details.
- Improved the algorithm for memory safety checks (especially under Windows) and implemented a new "Allow Swapping" setting (toggle available in the Advanced menu) to allow larger memory usage (at the cost of swapping) on systems with less than 4Gb of RAM. Also added a memory bargraph (on the left of the packets loss bargraph in the status bar) and a new SafetyMargin1stStepRatio debug settings (determines when the viewer starts throttling texture memory usage when the free memory gets close to the MainMemorySafetyMargin value). See this thread for details.
- Removed the too dangerous (causes out of memory crashes in a matter of minutes) "Full Res Textures" setting from the Advanced/Rendering menu (the setting is still there, but was made volatile and can only be accessed via the debug settings floater: use with great care and only in low texture count areas...).
- Fixed two potential crash bugs (one in lliosocket.cpp and the other in lldrawable.cpp).
- Implemented stream title and author announcement for FMOD audio streams (the title and artist info is shown in the tooltip of the icon in the music remote controls, and a notification is shown on change when the corresponding setting is checked in the "Audio & Video" tab of the preferences floater). The code is loosely based on Shyotl's code (Singularity viewer).
- Changed the misleading Head/Upper/Lower Tattoos labels for Head/Upper Body/Lower Body in the Skin tab of the Customize Appearance floater (backport from v3).
Note that there will not be any release next week, so the next release will happen next year !  Enjoy ! 
2011-12-24 17:39:37 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912

Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.12 (current stable branch): New in this release: - RestrainedLove updated to v2.08.02.
- Slightly changed the memory consumption limitation algorithm (the camera is not reset every second any more after you have been warned for a possible upcoming crash, and "Allow Swapping" is now enabled by default). The algorithm is now also implemented for MacOS-X (code by Kathrine Jansma).
- Worked around a rare crash bug in LLInventoryModel::getCategory() that was due to a bug in the C++ libraries themselves (crash in std::map::find() call on an empty map).
Cool VL Viewer v1.26.3.0 (new experimental branch): This branch will get multi-layered clothing implemented as well as some other experimental features that could potentially introduce new bugs. This branch is based off v1.26.2.12, with the following additions: - Implemented Qarl's mesh deformer alpha code (to enable it, check the "Advanced" -> "Renderer" -> "Enable Mesh Deformer" setting).
- Backported from v3 the HTTP inventory fetching (toggle available in Advanced -> Network).
Enjoy ! 
2012-01-06 15:40:31 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912

Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from The week has been very busy for me, so there are not many changes in these releases beside a couple of bug fixes and improvements... Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.13 (current stable branch): New in this release: - RestrainedLove updated to v2.08.02.21 (with a slightly improved avatar names hashing for @showname).
- Backported from v3 the HTTP inventory fetching (toggle available in Advanced -> Network). This includes the bugfixes listed in v1.26.3.1's changes below.
- Added the mandatory code changes for the "Copy And Wear" feature of the "Object Contents", making the Cool VL Viewer ready for the upcoming protocol change on the SL grid.
- Made it so that inventory offer dialogs no more show the useless SLURL (which is still shown in chat on accepting the offer, where you can click on it to map the object) and that selecting group notices in the "Notices" tab of the "Group Information" floater doesn't spam the chat any more with multiple "You declined... inventory offer." messages.
- Some minor code cleanup.
Cool VL Viewer v1.26.3.1 (new experimental branch): - RestrainedLove updated to v2.08.02.21 (with a slightly improved avatar names hashing for @showname).
- Fixed the bug (introduced in in my backport from v3 of the HTTP inventory fetching that was prevening to de-rez in-world objects to the folder they were rezzed from (see this thread for details). Also fixed another bug in LL's code for de-rezzing objects that could prevent proper detection of locked objects when they are part of a group of objects you de-rez together (i.e. when you "Take" back to your inventory a group of objects as coalesced objects).
- Further migrated some inventory-related code from v3.
- Added the mandatory code changes for the "Copy And Wear" feature of the "Object Contents", making the Cool VL Viewer ready for the upcoming protocol change on the SL grid.
- Made it so that inventory offer dialogs no more show the useless SLURL (which is still shown in chat on accepting the offer, where you can click on it to map the object) and that selecting group notices in the "Notices" tab of the "Group Information" floater doesn't spam the chat any more with multiple "You declined... inventory offer." messages.
- Some minor code cleanup and an internal code change backported from v3 (in LLToolDragAndDrop) allowing to give away calling cards, like in viewer 2/3.
Enjoy ! 
2012-01-14 15:29:06 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912

Here are two new releases of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from Almost no user-visible changes this week, but underlying/internal changes were brought to v1.26.3, marking the very first step towards the future support of multi-layered clothes. Cool VL Viewer v1.26.2.14 (current stable branch): New in this release: - Added support for the new llSetRegionPos() LSL function (currently only active in SL server RC Magnum).
- Fixed the (cosmetic) bug that caused a selection beam to be wrongly drawn on the last touched/selected close object when touching another far object and the "Do not show look at or point to objects beyond X meters" option is in force.
- Added the possibility to select worn rigged mesh objects while the build floater is open, like in newest v3 viewers (although, for now, it's of very little use, if any).
- A few minor fixes backported from v3.
- Some dead code removal.
Cool VL Viewer v1.26.3.2 (new experimental branch): Same changes as in v1.26.2.14 (see above), plus: - Minor optimization to the rendering speed of flexible prims backported from v3.
- LLVOAvatarDictionary class brought on par with v3 viewers.
- LLWearableType class backported from v3.
Enjoy ! 
2012-01-21 14:37:57 |
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