Cool VL Viewer forum

overpowering glow in advanced lighting
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Author:  Lycia_Undercroft [ 2018-05-09 08:35:12 ]
Post subject:  overpowering glow in advanced lighting

Hi Henri,

I have come across a difference between advanced lighting in Cool VL Viewer and Standard LL. It seems that in some cases glow quickly becomes over powered on Cool VS. the LL Viewer, and will wash out the rest of the texture it is applied too.

I have seen this happen in a few shops (DHB Train Station is one) and after some experimenting, I have duplicated a similar effect with these settings:
1. set texture to full bright
2. set texture to use a materials based shininess map (I choose plain white from the selector)
3. set texture glow to 0.01

all the light areas were totally washed out in Cool, but the texture looked relatively normal in the LL Viewer. This seems like a corner case to me, but its apparently happening in the wild, (even the standard viewer washes out quickly as you add glow to these settings).


Author:  Henri Beauchamp [ 2018-05-09 14:33:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: overpowering glow in advanced lighting

Not sure if it is the same bug I have been able to reproduce, but in my repro, I do not need to set any glow.

In deferred rendering mode (AKA ALM), if you set a face full bright and add a specular map with an environment lighting of 0, then the face glows at full strength. I found the culprit code, and I am even surprised this does not repro in other viewers (it should since all viewers make a bogus test for specular map presence at some point by testing the environment light strength, which may be 0 despite the specular map presence).

This will be fixed in next release. In the mean time, make sure that the "Environment" parameter is never 0 (1 will do) when you set a specular map on a full bright face.

Author:  Lycia_Undercroft [ 2018-05-09 22:17:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: overpowering glow in advanced lighting

Yup, your repro is even more straight forward and looks exactly like what i am seeing as well. Very strange that its not expressed in other viewers if everyone is doing the same test. Maybe it was 'patched' in some down stream processing, and the developer intended to go back later with a better fix? Who knows.

Anyway, Thank you! I will look forward to the next release as always!

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