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Joined: 2022-12-29 20:36:55 Posts: 8
I'm affected with disappearing clothes & items using v1.30.2.25. The dress I saw this happening has hud menu to hide skirt, I did check that skirt part is enabled to show so it's not hidden by mistake. Skirt doesn't show up when using EE and it shows fine when I switch to ALM. I can see the outline of skirt when I use "highlight transparent" in EE. Also noticed that belly piercing that I use shows up with transparency in EE and shows up fine when I switch to ALM.
2023-08-31 14:11:41 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5907
EE = Extended Environment. It is an evolution of Windlight (WL). The Cool VL Viewer v1.30.2 is using the EE renderer.
ALM = Advanced Lighting Model. It is one of the two rendering modes available in the EE renderer, the other mode being the forward (legacy, pre-materials) rendering mode. ALM is the deferred rendering mode allowing to render materials (with support for an Alpha masking mode, and two more textures per face: the normal map and the specular map), as well as, optionally, shadows.
It is totally normal that with ALM off (i.e. in legacy, pre-material, forward rendering mode) you cannot see properly items using materials: some may render matte instead of shiny, others will look flat instead of embossed, and yet others will simply vanish because they use Alpha masking...
This is in no way a bug, and there is no way to render materials with ALM off.
2023-08-31 14:24:42 |
Joined: 2022-12-29 20:36:55 Posts: 8
Attached in this reply has two snapshots using Cool VL Viewer v1.30.2.13. I switched ALM on/off between these two snaps and skirt does show in both and I can see materials applied when ALM is on.
Edit: I do see from changelogs (version v1.30.2.23) that you have been debugging disappearing meshes when switching ALM on/off. "Fixed the disappearing meshes when toggling the ALM mode on/off, introduced in the latest releases during pipeline settings observers code cleanup."
2023-08-31 15:17:21 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5907
It may happen that a mesh "vanishes" just after switching to/from ALM: in this case ALT SHIFT R would make it reappear (or right-clicking on the "missing" mesh, or zooming far away and back in with the camera). This, however, won't change how the meshes render once you keep the same mode...
2023-08-31 15:39:27 |
Joined: 2022-12-29 20:36:55 Posts: 8
ALT-SHIFT-R or right-clicking area where skirt should be, doesn't make skirt reppear. Only time when I see skirt is when I attach the dress for first time after login, dress rezzes with top and skirt visible and as soon it snaps to my body skirt goes invisible even when I haven't made it invisible via texture hud. (This in non ALM mode).
2023-08-31 16:20:42 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5907
I cannot see this happening here (it is likely specific to that very mesh), so I need a mean to reproduce it: is there a demo dress I could get somewhere and that would reproduce what you are seeing ? Also, please try and set the "UseNewBinRadiusCompute" debug setting to FALSE, and see if the issue still happens (you might need to relog for full effects).
2023-08-31 16:51:53 |
Joined: 2022-12-29 20:36:55 Posts: 8
Ok, tested with "UseNewBinRadiusCompute" set to FALSE, relogged, no effect. The dress I've been testing this is from Cloe called 'Hyein Dress' (, dress is only available inworld and demo is also from there. I also tested the demo version and was bit baffled to see the demo version working fine in both modes. BUT I could reproduce same "missing" effect with other item and demo version is also affected this time. Cover-up 5 demo from Absolut Creation, ... O/19050451
2023-08-31 17:41:07 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5907
Many thanks ! With this demo, I could indeed reproduce this issue here, and found out the bug got introduced in v1.30.2.14, when I disabled a fix that got reverted in LL's code: Apparently, this fix also prevented rendering issues with some specific meshes, such as those you found about... I was a little wary about this reversal and simply disabled the corresponding code with a #define instead of removing the code, so fixing the bug just consists in changing that #define (if you compile the viewer yourself, simply change to read #define LL_FIX_MAT_TRANSPARENCY 1 at line 50 of linden/indra/newview/llface.h). Since the PBR viewer, where this fix got reverted, is permanently in deferred rendering mode (ALM), LL did not notice the bug. Yet, there is something fishy with those meshes (can't tell what, since they are no-mod, and I could therefore not examine how they are textured and what alpha params they use)... The fix will be in next release.
2023-08-31 21:22:04 |
Joined: 2016-06-19 21:33:37 Posts: 384 Location: Columbus area, OH, USA
Changing the define and rebuilding resulted in an error. It appears that there is a stray control character (visible in vim) in linden/indra/newview/llface.h at: Deleting the ^S allowed the rebuild to continue and complete.
2023-08-31 23:58:26 |
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5907
Yes, there's a control character that should not be there (likely a CTRL S shortcut for "Save" in my editor that somehow got inserted in the line).
2023-09-01 06:47:37 |