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Emojis pickers 
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Joined: 2018-06-13 23:15:59
Posts: 34
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isnt related to the semi-transparent but since we talking about emoji, at least for me aren't working


then moved <file>seguisym.ttf</file> to the top of windows fonts but still


I do have enabled colored fonts in the advance menu


and a just a little tip here, in widnows you can press "windows+." and you got a emoji picker

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2024-03-14 16:19:28

Joined: 2016-06-19 21:33:37
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Mr.Tach wrote:
isnt related to the semi-transparent but since we talking about emoji, at least for me aren't working

Just a quick check, do you have a fonts.xml override in your skins folder? If so, you will need to update that.

2024-03-14 16:28:23

Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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Since there is no built-in emoji picker in the Cool VL Viewer, you need to use the picker provided by your OS or a third party software (*). However, the result is not guaranteed, since those pickers might not output the right code point for the viewer to receive the right UTF-8 character... Note also that multi-characters emojis (e.g flags, some complex faces, etc) which are encoded over several (two or three, usually) UTF-8 characters are not supported at all (by LL's code).

It is also the normal and wanted behaviour, that some "emojis" (which are actually special UTF-8 characters), are printed using the monochrome fonts glyph (for example, the heart, the cog, the arrows, the squares, the circles, the crosses, the check marks, etc): this ensures that existing (pre-emojis) LSL scripts using such characters in their menu (llDiialog()) or printed reports (llSay() & Co) still render properly and as they were designed to render by the scripter...

Note that next release will have an improved algorithm for fallback fonts (see this commit I proposed for LL's code base and that got adopted), which will solve some "yellow face" (actual/genuine) emojis currently being printed with monochrome fallback font glyphs in the Cool VL Viewer.

(*) Under Linux, I tested it successfully with jome and xclip (this won't work properly using xdotool like described in jome's documentation), with this wrapper script, launched via a custom keyboard shortcut defined in my desktop environment:
jome -n -f utf-8 | xclip -t TEXT
Once the selection done in jome, I just have to press the mouse middle button to insert the emoji at the mouse cursor position...
Here is what jome looks like:
jome.jpg [ 117.28 KiB | Viewed 2324 times ]

2024-03-14 16:45:10
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Joined: 2018-06-13 23:15:59
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ZaneZimer wrote:
Mr.Tach wrote:
isnt related to the semi-transparent but since we talking about emoji, at least for me aren't working

Just a quick check, do you have a fonts.xml override in your skins folder? If so, you will need to update that.

not sure what you mean, but emoji fonts always been a try and error for me with coolvl so I get used messing with fonts.xml. I did a viewer clean install just in case and still same

2024-03-14 16:49:52

Joined: 2018-06-13 23:15:59
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Henri Beauchamp wrote:

It is also the normal and wanted behaviour, that some "emojis" (which are actually special UTF-8 characters), are printed using the monochrome fonts glyph (for example, the heart, the cog, the arrows, the squares, the circles, the crosses, the check marks, etc): this ensures that LSL scripts using such characters in their menu/dialog/printed reports (llSay() & Co) still render properly and as they were designed to render by the scripter...

I got what you mean yes, but still most of the monochrome aren't showed in coolvl (for me) I don't have this problem with other viewers that's why I used to move <file>seguisym.ttf</file> to the top of the fonts.xml that quick fix have been working for me, but now not even that :lol:

I honestly don't care that much if them are colores or not but I want able so see them

edit: I tried copy and past from but still nothing

2024-03-14 17:08:31

Joined: 2011-09-27 11:18:31
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Henri Beauchamp wrote:
Note that next release will have an improved algorithm for fallback fonts (see this commit I proposed for LL's code base and that got adopted), which will solve some "yellow face" (actual/genuine) emojis currently being printed with monochrome fallback font glyphs in the Cool VL Viewer.

Oh, thanks for that ☺

2024-03-14 17:23:10

Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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Mr.Tach wrote:
I tried copy and past from but still nothing
Forget about web-based emoji selectors: they won't work at all (CEF will display them in monochrome too, because it does not even have a built-in emojis color font).

You need a proper emoji selector software... Alternatively, you can print emojis with Lua, and then copy/paste them into a note card where you will collect the emojis you need/want to use.

Here is a Lua script to print all the emojis and special characters (a few "genuine emojis" will wrongly render in monochrome in the current Cool VL Viewer version: this will be fixed in next release):
print("Special characters which may be used by LSL scripts, printed in monochrome when possible:")
for i=0x2000, 0x32A8, 1 do
    s = s .. utf8.char(i)
print("\nGenuine emojis, printed in color when possible:")
for i=0x1F000, 0x1F7F0, 1 do
    s = s .. utf8.char(i)

Simply pop up the Lua console (CTRL ALT L) and copy this script into its input window, then click the "Execute" button, then right-click in the top output window of the console and choose "Select all", right click again and choose "Copy". Finally, create a note card in your inventory, "Paste" the text into it and "Save" the note card: you now have a full set of the special characters and emojis you can use in the viewer (via copy/paste)...

2024-03-14 17:26:43
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Joined: 2018-06-13 23:15:59
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Henri Beauchamp wrote:
Mr.Tach wrote:
I tried copy and past from but still nothing
Forget about web-based emoji selectors: they won't work at all (CEF will display them in monochrome too, because it does not even have a built-in emojis color font).

You need a proper emoji selector software... Alternatively, you can print emojis with Lua, and then copy/paste them into a note card where you will collect the emojis you need/want to use.

Here is a Lua script to print all the emojis and special characters (a few "genuine emojis" will wrongly render in monochrome in the current Cool VL Viewer version: this will be fixed in next release):
for i=0x2000, 0x32FF, 1 do
    s = s .. utf8.char(i)
for i=0x1F000, 0x1FFFF, 1 do
    s = s .. utf8.char(i)

Simply pop up the Lua console (CTRL ALT L) and copy this script into its input window, then click the "Execute" button, then right-click in the top output window of the console and choose "Select all", right click again and choose "Copy". Finally, create a note card in your inventory, "Paste" the text into it and "Save" the note card: you now have a full set of the special characters and emojis you can use in the viewer (via copy/paste)...

it won't work :lol: but it's ok. I found they just don't work in chat floaters and notecards, they work on the rest of the viewer, like script dialogs, names/group titles


2024-03-14 17:38:40

Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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It works just fine...
emojis.jpg [ 215.03 KiB | Viewed 2321 times ]

Verify that you did not override the skin with some XUI definitions of your own...

2024-03-14 17:43:17
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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Ok, I could reproduce the issue, under Windoze only (this OS is brain dead !)... It occurs whenever you copy (CTRL C) an emoji and then attempt to paste it (CTRL V) in an input field...

Probably something to do with the clipboard encoding and the IME (input method) encoding...

Yet, the Cool VL Viewer offers you a workaround; it emulates the "primary selection" of Linux, including under Windows, so you can copy/paste without using the Windows clipboard between viewer text and input line editors: simply select the text (or emoji) to copy with the mouse left button and drag to select what you want to be copied, then "paste" the selected text in the input text/line editor of your choice by pointing the mouse cursor into it and clicking the middle mouse button. The text will then be properly pasted and the emojis preserved...

Not sure I will bother to "fix" this Windoze idiosyncrasy, so better getting used to the Linux way of copy/pasting... :P

EDIT: a search on the web for windows clipboard encoding issue returns many results...

2024-03-14 18:22:50
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