This is what I see under latest LL viewer (ran under Wine)

This is what I see in latest Cool VL Viewer

Reproduction steps:
- Rez a prim. Go to Texture > PBR > Load from inventory and select any material you like. You should see the prim painted with the texture, as it should.
https://i.imgur.com/SvE9xDW.jpeg- Edit overrides > Alpha mode > Alpha blend. You should see the texture become blurry as in the screenshot above, which should not happen.
https://i.imgur.com/gvNvU5Q.jpegThis happens under v1.32.2.11 too, so it doesn't seem to be related with the other issue discussed
here (although it does affect things overall, as you can see).
I self-compile the viewer, but only in order to include your
rlv_non_blindfold-patch.txt patch, which should not affect the graphics at all.
Any ideas?