Cool VL Viewer forum

Cool VL Viewer appreciation thread
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Author:  le sheep [ 2014-08-10 09:50:46 ]
Post subject:  Cool VL Viewer appreciation thread

Thank you for your continuing hard work on the viewer. Over the years my interest in SL faded, but i still visit more or less regularly to look around and see whats happening.
from time to time i tried one of em fancy other viewers, but none felt right after all the time with cool vl viewer.
sure there were some things i liked or even would love to have in cool vl viewer (my favorite thing missing is chat commands to change viewing distance, teleport and stuff by just
typing a short command in the chatbar) but some other details were always so different that i couldn't (and didn't want) to get used to them.

long story short:

thank you mr. beauchamp for this wonderful viewer, you are the champ!

Author:  Tillie [ 2014-08-15 18:42:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cool VL Viewer appreciation thread

I can only second that. :)

Author:  Jessica Hultcrantz [ 2014-08-18 18:37:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cool VL Viewer appreciation thread

I third that :lol:

I've been using Cool VL Viewer since... what was it... late 2008-ish something. And of course there has been ups and downs over all these years.
But for a one man project Henri has done his absolute best to help out and both teach as well as help fixing issues for which I'm deeply grateful.

It's by far the viewer I like best of what is available, and except for a small period many years ago with a C-library issue in my distro (if I recall right, it was 2009-ish I believe), it has never failed me.

So thank you Henri for the excellent ongoing work with the viewer, and for the incredible patience with all of us using it :D

Author:  Stimpy Tripp [ 2014-12-11 23:35:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cool VL Viewer appreciation thread

Ah, I too would like to say merci beaucoup to you as well Henri! I've spent less than 2 hours total in viewer 2/3, and many many in Cool VL. The only thing I'd ever call a "bug" was the "Eject your friends while in the middle of serious romances" which you'd even patched as I came here to see if there was a problem. You've mentioned your lack of desire to purchase a 64 bit compiler. If the time comes where you need funding, I'd be happy to send you something, either through $l, paypal, or even something random like Western Union that would keep your anonymity. For the amount of time and pleasure I've used your viewer, I'd love to part with some money to help you help us. I bet I'm not the only one!

Thanks again!

Author:  Tillie [ 2015-01-04 17:05:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cool VL Viewer appreciation thread

Yay for Henri, the one man show! :D

He had some incredible finds on strange bugs so far, unbeaten yet! \o/

Author:  DrKarlHammand [ 2019-07-09 02:58:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cool VL Viewer appreciation thread

Looking forward to using and experimenting with your viewer. As of a few days ago, Singularity stopped functioning in Second Life. This has left a considerable void. It was almost impossible to get a clear answer on the phone talking directly to Linden Labs, but of course, they do not support 3rd party viewers. Singularity simply cannot see body inventory - i.e. shapes or ever the default Ruth. I was very excited to see you have released an updated version of this viewer and people are still unhappy with Firestorm - which is slow - and the really bad UI of their SL's viewer. Good luck and am hoping CoolVL can export good DAEs for my use in our OpenSim and Unity.

DrKarl Hammand / John Bell - Crystalware

Author:  Fierelier [ 2019-09-13 16:20:10 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cool VL Viewer appreciation thread

This viewer is amazing. Great optimization, works fine on my '04 laptop. And I can tell that a lot of careful work goes into it frequently. I'll recommend this to everyone who's experiencing performance issues or looking for a sleek viewer. Great work.

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