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No texture projected in features tab? 
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Joined: 2021-10-06 18:03:51
Posts: 17
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I have found that something has either stopped working in the latest stable branch (17) or perhaps has never worked in CoolVlViewer but works in other viewers: projecting a texture from a prim with light turned on in the features tab. Does anybody else notice this?

Tested in both the current SL server release and an RC region, I get the light emitted from the prim, but whatever texture I choose from the texture picker is not projected.

2023-06-20 18:30:26

Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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Strange, I do see projections, here...

However, there may be an issue with the number of projectors around, and how they get sorted. There is only a limited number of "spots" you can use in SL (4, IIRC EDIT: 6), so if there are many projectors around, you could well end up with yours not rendering at all (the others around taking the slots). Try reducing your draw distance and see if your projector renders...

Also, be careful when enabling shadows: if you enable "all shadows", then your spot light projection may get shadowed by larger objects around... Try enabling "Sun and Moon only". Also, sometimes (because, just like for spots, the objects shadows numbers are limited), switching shadows on and off may make the projected light reappear...

All the glitchy projectors and shadows stuff will be revamped anyway, when PBR will be released...

MazeProjector.jpg [251.57 KiB]
Not downloaded yet

EDIT: there is indeed a difference in how the Cool VL Viewer fades out nearby lights in excess of the maximum (6), when compared with LL's current viewer code (probably an old change I missed when LL made it in their code). I resynced that code, so that next release will behave the same as LL's...

2023-06-20 19:26:49
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Joined: 2021-10-06 18:03:51
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The light shows in CoolVlViewer in both locations, and the texture is shown by the LL viewer so I don't think it's too many other light sources. I tried your suggestion about reducing draw distance, but I would have to drop it to 32m to avoid including any other nearby sources, plus since I have draw-distance stepping checked I would expect to see a brief sowing of the texture before it went back to just the light if that were the cause.

I'll wait till your next release and see how things go. Thanks for looking at it.

2023-06-21 17:05:17

Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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ProfAitch wrote:
The light shows in CoolVlViewer in both locations, and the texture is shown by the LL viewer so I don't think it's too many other light sources.
You may have many light sources, and will see them, but you won't see their effects (shadows, projections) if they are in excess of 6.

I'll wait till your next release and see how things go.
With the resynced code, it should work just like LL's viewer...

2023-06-21 17:18:23
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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Code resynced with LL's in today's release (v1.30.2.18).

2023-06-24 09:45:28
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