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CTRL SHIFT ENTER: sometimes works buggy
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Author:  DonFranko [ 2023-11-10 23:52:05 ]
Post subject:  CTRL SHIFT ENTER: sometimes works buggy

Hey there,
Hi Henri!

I really love that shortcut to put a line break in a chat. Most often it works correct but sometimes it acts a bit weird. And when it does it it gets a bit worth with every time I use it..

Sometimes I write something like that line e.g. and then when I do that shorcut it makes something like that

Sometimes I write something like that line e.g. and then when I do that shorcut it makes something like that <Ctrl Shift Enter> gives me
Sometimes I write something like that line e.g. and then when I do that shorcut it makes something like t


Sometimes I write something like that line e.g. and then when I do that shorcut it makes something like t

When that happens I have to delete 3 or 4 blanks to get back to the correct sentence ..

Then, when I add some blanks at the end of the line.. like 3 or 4 (sometimes it gets more with every try) and I do the shortcut it doesn#t cut the last word ,, but I also have to delete the blanks again..

Does anyone ever had the same experience?

Author:  Henri Beauchamp [ 2023-11-11 00:30:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: CTRL SHIFT ENTER: sometimes works buggy

I see no such issue here.

Likely a problem with CTRL SHIFT ENTER being intercepted by some other component of your OS...

If you want to ensure everything will be fine as you type, I recommend that your use the multi-line text editor (click on the small round ">" button on the right of the input line); CTRL SHIFT ENTER will work the same, but instead of inserting a "dot"-like control character, a genuine new line will be inserted in the windows, making it easier to see and edit.

Author:  DonFranko [ 2024-04-14 00:31:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: CTRL SHIFT ENTER: sometimes works buggy

Henri Beauchamp wrote:
I see no such issue here.

Likely a problem with CTRL SHIFT ENTER being intercepted by some other component of your OS...

If you want to ensure everything will be fine as you type, I recommend that your use the multi-line text editor (click on the small round ">" button on the right of the input line); CTRL SHIFT ENTER will work the same, but instead of inserting a "dot"-like control character, a genuine new line will be inserted in the windows, making it easier to see and edit.

Phew. please excuse my late reply...

That's what I'm doing.. using that big window. In fact it opens automatically for me when the lines get longer... and there it happens, too. but not always. sometimes it works correctly.. sometimes I have to add some spaces in between to make it not cut the text somewhere in between.. like 4 or 5 characters before...

Author:  Henri Beauchamp [ 2024-04-14 06:01:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: CTRL SHIFT ENTER: sometimes works buggy

Cannot reproduce and given no one else is seeing such an issue either, I still think your problem is caused by some interfering keyboard shortcut, or key-presses macro, or possibly funky keyboard driver (some brands love using specific drivers with macros to change their keyboards custom parameters) in your system.

For any further investigation, please give accurate and detailed repro steps (including the viewer log corresponding to the session when it happened).

Author:  DonFranko [ 2024-04-15 14:09:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: CTRL SHIFT ENTER: sometimes works buggy

oki dokes.

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