Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912
If you disable media for both the parcel where your avatar is standing and for outer parcels, none of the sim media will load...
The "normal" thing to do is to allow shared media for the parcel where your avatar is standing...
Joined: 2024-05-09 06:01:01 Posts: 8
I tried setting both "Play media on the parcel where your avatar is standing" and "Play media outside the parcel where your avatar is standing"
I still get the error.
This is on a hud object I am wearing on my hud, so I would not expect the parcel options would have any affect.
Even setting "Play shared media on objects attached to other avatars" didn't help.
Henri Beauchamp
Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51 Posts: 5912

Media HUDs are working just fine for me. Try by yourself: create a prim, wear it as a HUD, edit it and place a media URL on the face (*): any media will do, a web site URL for CEF plugin test, a streaming media URL for GStreamer plugin test... Oh, by the way, you do have GStreamer installed, right ?... Note also, that depending on how the media is configured (auto-start or not), you may need to start it manually, via the viewer's media HUD (hover the mouse pointer on the face to get it to pop up, then click the home icon button in the HUD).
But of course, if scripts are involved it might depend on how well the said scripts are coded and what expectation they have...
I am surprised about the message you get from your HUD: how the Hell is the script detecting that a media can work or not, since there is strictly no communication between the media (played on viewer side only) and the scripts running on the server ?... Is the media a web page loaded by the script and pointing to a server controlled by the script author (that would then use HTTP LSL functions and PHP on the server, to communicate about who visited the site) ?... Then they could fail to detect the viewer by assuming it is LL's or FS, or whatever... I would suspect some bad scripting from the maker's part: report the problem to them so that they fix their stuff...
Oh, and finally, verify you did not black-list the media server for that HUD in the viewer ("View" menu, "Media filter" entry to open the floater) !... Such a black-listing would be logged too (CTRL SHIFT 4 to toggle the log console) when trying to open the media. For any further investigations from my part, please do provide the viewer log file. I'm not going to do wild guesses forever...
(*) Right-click, "Edit", check "Select texture" and select "Texture" tab in Edit floater, click on HUD face, click "Add" button in the "Media" line at the bottom of the Texture tab.
Joined: 2024-05-09 06:01:01 Posts: 8
Media on rezzed objects is working. I checked and my "blacklist" is empty.
The HUD is an interface to a server that uses HTML as its UI. Apparently the HUD, knowing it's been clicked on, is expecting some confirmation from the server.
Anyway, I have submitted a report on the service's website.