Cool VL Viewer forum

the following media plugin has failed + streaming_plugin
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Author:  nina pizzicato [ 2024-08-10 04:33:30 ]
Post subject:  the following media plugin has failed + streaming_plugin

Has anyone run across this before? I recall seeing it at some point, but not sure of the fix. Any help is appreciated. Not sure if this is causing my other issue or not, also reported (corrupt outfit.xml), but if anyone has any thoughts about what these might be caused by, please advise.

Thank you....and sorry to be a pest Henri, I've always liked your viewer!


Author:  Henri Beauchamp [ 2024-08-10 08:07:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: the following media plugin has failed + streaming_plugin

Install gstreamer (see the corresponding "Linux/Windows installation howto" thread at the top of this FAQ forum)...

And please, tell us what is your OS, at least the very least, or when you encounter an error, do post the logs !

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