Cool VL Viewer forum

Good setting for PBR?
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Author:  ZaneZimer [ 2024-09-11 23:14:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Good setting for PBR?

Henri Beauchamp wrote:
If you compile the viewer yourself, the relevant line is in indra/newview/llpipeline.cpp, line 1302: change GL_RGBA for GL_RGBA16F to read if (!mPostMap.allocate(res_x, res_y, GL_RGBA16F)). The "banding" (that also existed in LL's viewer before Atlasaurus) was due to the fact the screen buffer and the postmap buffer did not share the same data format (floats for the first, integers for the second), while they are copied in each others several times in the renderFinalizePBR() step...
Ah, so it was a 'color depth' type thing. I applied that change and rebuilt my .12 viewer and everything looks much better, like .11 and before. Appreciate you bearing with me as I tried to explain what I was seeing.

Author:  g0rd0ngrfr33mailgr [ 2024-09-12 11:29:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Good setting for PBR?

Henri Beauchamp wrote:
this is part of the latest changes that went into LL's Atlasaurus/develop viewer
That's what I thought myself. I will rebuild with these changes later on. Thank you, Henri, for maintaining the best viewer

Author:  g0rd0ngrfr33mailgr [ 2024-09-13 10:17:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Good setting for PBR?

Oh, this new tone mapping is beautiful!

Author:  Henri Beauchamp [ 2024-09-13 10:23:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Good setting for PBR?

g0rd0ngrfr33mailgr wrote:
Oh, this new tone mapping is beautiful!
The Khronos neutral one ? Well, it is better for sky, but worse for the water bodies (you will want "Fix reflections blue hue" active, to limit the damages)...

LL might add more tone mapping algorithms in the future, but all in all, I prefer not to "Adjust legacy for HDR" or to keep tone mapping off for PBR-aware EE settings...

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