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Search using SLURL
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Author:  ZaneZimer [ 2017-04-06 15:51:33 ]
Post subject:  Search using SLURL

I'm not sure this is a viewer issue but the <category> portion of a SLURL for searching seems to have no limiting effect and the results are shown for what appears to be 'all'. According to, a SLURL of the format: secondlife:///app/search/places/park would search for 'park' in Places. I have tried various forms of the term 'places' (camel case, enclosed in quotes, escaped, etc) and the results of the search always seem relative to the 'all' category not the one I specify.

Author:  Henri Beauchamp [ 2017-04-06 18:28:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Search using SLURL

Yes, this is the expected behaviour, since the search category for search SLURLs is not yet implemented (see the sources, in indra/newview/llfloaterdirectory.cpp) and still marked "TODO".

Well, it will be supported now, starting with next release...

Author:  ZaneZimer [ 2017-04-06 18:34:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Search using SLURL

Well, it will be supported now, starting with next release...
Very cool. I guess my use cases lead to finding 'odd' things. :-) I am using Lua to implement a quick 'command line/chat' search on /find <category> <term(s)>.

Author:  ZaneZimer [ 2017-04-08 16:48:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Search using SLURL

Thanks for adding in category find/search functionality. I have tested it out and it works as expected.

On the topic of SLURLs though, I have discovered something and not sure if it is intended behavior or not. The following description may even belong in the Lua help section.

When entering a SLURL of format 'secondlife:///app/agent/<id>/displayname' in a chat line, it is rendered in the chat history as a link with the avatar's name (i.e. Zane Zimer). That's cool formatting and carries over if I use the Lua print function as well (i.e. Lua: Zane Zimer). However, when I use OpenNotification(0, 'secondlife:///app/agent/<id>/displayname'), the notification is formatted the same way as mentioned above for the notification but the mirrored, chat history test is the fully expanded link/SLURL. This does not happen for type 1 notifications as they don't mirror to the chat history. Not anything major, but I thought I would mention it. If it should be a separate topic, I can create one.

Author:  Henri Beauchamp [ 2017-04-08 17:31:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Search using SLURL

ZaneZimer wrote:
When entering a SLURL of format 'secondlife:///app/agent/<id>/displayname' in a chat line, it is rendered in the chat history as a link with the avatar's name (i.e. Zane Zimer). That's cool formatting and carries over if I use the Lua print function as well (i.e. Lua: Zane Zimer). However, when I use OpenNotification(0, 'secondlife:///app/agent/<id>/displayname'), the notification is formatted the same way as mentioned above for the notification but the mirrored, chat history test is the fully expanded link/SLURL. This does not happen for type 1 notifications as they don't mirror to the chat history. Not anything major, but I thought I would mention it. If it should be a separate topic, I can create one.
Yes, that's because the notification text is added to the chat history, not to the chat itself, and the SLURLs resolution scheme is only implemented for the latter... For next release, I reworked the code to move the resolution stuff into its own method and added a call to that method for the notification text in chat history...

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