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Add list of keywords/phrases to "Highlight Posts" function
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Author:  Mask [ 2023-11-30 02:58:21 ]
Post subject:  Add list of keywords/phrases to "Highlight Posts" function

Would it be possible to expand the "highlight posts" function to include a comma separated list of keywords/phrases and add a sound alert to the text color alert?

Author:  Henri Beauchamp [ 2023-11-30 09:55:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Add list of keywords/phrases to "Highlight Posts" functi

Yes, it is already possible, using Lua.

See the Lua manual, OnChatTextColoring() callback, and PlayUISound() function.

I do not intend to add any hard-coded features to chat colouring/alerts, but could expand Lua function/callbacks to cover more peculiar use cases if at all needed.

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