Cool VL Viewer forum

HUDScaleFactors < 1.0
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Author:  kathrine [ 2024-01-14 17:45:12 ]
Post subject:  HUDScaleFactors < 1.0

Hello Henri,

just trying to help a friend to setup the viewer for her tastes on some huge OS X screen.
She tried Catznip before and had the HUD objects smaller than the default scale on Cool VL Viewer, so she tried to get them smaller here too.

The Preferences floater in Cool VL Viewer only allows to set the HUD scale to 1.0 or larger, not lower.
When setting the value to 0.8 or so via Debug settings, it leaves some odd white frame on screen.

Is it a reasonable request to allow UI scaling lower than 1.0 without this white frame? Or does that break too much?
Does it somehow relate to the HighDPI scaling?

We noticed it breaks switching between Viewers, as the HUD positions are offscreen for other viewers.

Author:  Henri Beauchamp [ 2024-01-14 19:05:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: HUDScaleFactors < 1.0

Implemented in v1.32.0.6.

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