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More compact chat display options 
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Joined: 2011-10-07 10:39:20
Posts: 201
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Hello Henri,

another little thing.

When using the "Display Name + Legacy Name" setting to identify people in world quickly, this leads to quite longish lines in the chat window when the name is displayed in front of all the text and AVs have long names and long display names.
This gets even worse with the detailed timestamp in front of the chat message, which includes the timezone (which is probably pretty useless in chat or did it cause confusion?).

It would be nice if there was an option to reduce the space needed, e.g. more compact time format and use a different name setting (e.g. just Display Name) for chat/IM windows, but keep the one for hovertext in world?

2024-01-14 18:01:40

Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
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The time stamps format is configurable already, and you may choose to log with the date or not (see "ShortDateFormat" debug setting, and "LogTimestampDate", which is toggled in the "Preferences floater", "IM & logs" tab, "Include date with timestamp" check box), and with seconds or not ("LongTimeFormat" or "ShortTimeFormat", selected following the "LogTimestampSeconds" value, which is toggled in the "Preferences floater", "IM & logs" tab, "Timestamps with seconds" check box).

If you do not need time stamps in the chat (i.e. keeping them only for IMs), you may also disable them entirely, via the "Preferences" floater, "Text chat" tab, "Show timestamps in local chat" check box.

2024-01-14 18:33:05
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