Cool VL Viewer forum

Is auto-reconnect possible with a non-mobile viewer?
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Author:  RossoAms [ 2024-02-11 17:23:24 ]
Post subject:  Is auto-reconnect possible with a non-mobile viewer?

I have used Lumiya on Android for years and presently I'm testing Linden Lab's mobile viewer.
Somehow both mobile viewers can
reconnect with going through the entire login window again.

Whenever I use a 'regular' viewer, no matter which one, while I use a VPN, I get disconnected if there is a hickup for even a split second.
My own connection is reasonably stable, but my friends in South Africa for example are told by Linden Lab to "please use a VPN or
another DNS to connect to Second Life". And I see them relog 5 times in 20 minutes on some days.

Is it technically possible to let a regular non-mobile viewer reconnect without login, or does the structure (session tokens/safety issues?) make that too risky?

Author:  Henri Beauchamp [ 2024-02-11 17:49:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is auto-reconnect possible with a non-mobile viewer?

This is not possible short of rewriting large parts of the viewer code from scratch. Don't count on me for this one...

Whenever I use a 'regular' viewer, no matter which one, while I use a VPN, I get disconnected if there is a hickup for even a split second.
The viewer will hold the connection for a full minute before giving up, so the "split second" is rather exaggerated... If your Internet link comes back before the timeout, the viewer will catch up and chug along happily !...
Of course, this is on the condition that your IP has not changed after your Internet link reconnection (but this is a problem at your ISP or VPN provider level, and not something under the viewer control). Try and ask to your VPN provider for a static public-facing IP...

Author:  RossoAms [ 2024-02-11 21:37:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is auto-reconnect possible with a non-mobile viewer?

Henri Beauchamp wrote:
This is not possible short of rewriting large parts of the viewer code from scratch. Don't count on me for this one...

Whenever I use a 'regular' viewer, no matter which one, while I use a VPN, I get disconnected if there is a hickup for even a split second.
The viewer will hold the connection for a full minute before giving up, so the "split second" is rather exaggerated... If your Internet link comes back before the timeout, the viewer will catch up and chug along happily !...
Of course, this is on the condition that your IP has not changed after your Internet link reconnection (but this is a problem at your ISP or VPN provider level, and not something under the viewer control). Try and ask to your VPN provider for a static public-facing IP...

Thanks. I'm happy someone with a lot of knowledge of the viewer was able to provide me with an answer.
(I used to bug Latif with viewer questions a long time ago but alas he's no longer among us.)

Although I love to self-compile the viewer, what I mainly do with the source is reading your comments to gradually get an understanding of what the viewer is doing and why.
The "split second" is how I experience the time between 2 messages from the VPN. I need to try if the mobile client will still reconnect when I go through VPN with the phone. (I thought it would have something to do with a token and its lifecycle).

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