Cool VL Viewer forum

Non-feature request: Project Puppetry has been withdrawn
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Author:  RossoAms [ 2024-05-18 10:51:36 ]
Post subject:  Non-feature request: Project Puppetry has been withdrawn

Probably on your 'cleanup code' list, but Project Puppetry has been withdrawn, we were informed at the TPVD meeting of May 11.

Author:  Henri Beauchamp [ 2024-05-18 10:57:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-feature request: Project Puppetry has been withdrawn

Well, just like I predicted... :lol:

This said, the IK stuff is still interesting, and might be revived at some point... Animations in SL are likely due to a big upgrade, one of those (future) days, and it would likely be part of it.

Author:  Henri Beauchamp [ 2024-05-24 17:31:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Non-feature request: Project Puppetry has been withdrawn

For tomorrow's releases, I added a build option (defaulting to OFF) for Puppetry...

I also gutted out completely the Animesh visual params feature (Muscadine project) which LL abandoned a few years ago, and which code was also disabled via a build option in the Cool VL Viewer.

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