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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5935
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a hot-fix release for two nasty bugs introduced earlier today in v1.30.2.4, thus a required update for the users of the latter, and still a recommended update for everyone else.

Cool VL Viewer v1.30.2.5 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Reverted the changes to LLSDSerialize::deserialize() backported from LL's puppetry viewer and which broke environments settings and experiences (together with a few other minor things). See this thread for details.
  • Reverted the lazy vertex buffers unmapping backported from LL's PBR viewer, which is the likely culprit for crashes in macOS' OpenGL (broken) drivers. See this thread for details.

Enjoy ! :D

2023-03-11 16:58:51
Profile WWW

Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5935
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a maintenance release, mainly relevant to macOS users (with a crash on login fixed and OpenGL v3.2 core profile support added), but nonetheless a recommended update for everyone.

Cool VL Viewer v1.30.2.6 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Plugged another case of inventory update notification issue, where a the modify flags of inventory items could be changed during notification callbacks, causing failed inventory item status updates.
  • Added support for GLSL v1.40 (needed by macOS OpenGL v3.2 drivers, but also perhaps by other old drivers).
  • Reworked the vertex buffers code, backporting the latest changes and a fix from LL's viewer PBR, and removing the usage hints configuration like in the latter (all buffers now use the GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW hint). As a consequence, the "RenderUseStreamVBO" and "RenderPreferStreamDraw" debug settings have been removed.
  • Slightly improved the vertex buffer caches cleanup algorithm.
  • Implemented synchronous debug callback for OpenGL drivers supporting it, which only gets enabled when starting the viewer with "DebugGLOnRestart" set to TRUE. This provides better GL debug info when needed.
  • Got rid of the dependency on the APR-util library.
  • Linux x86_64 only: updated libxml2 to v2.10.3 and rebuilt colladadom against it.
  • Linux x86_64 only: rebuilt Dullahan against the latest CEF 111 release (with security fixes).
  • Code cleanup and minor speed optimizations.

Enjoy ! :D

2023-03-18 09:58:49
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5935
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a maintenance release and a recommended update.

Cool VL Viewer v1.30.2.7 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Backported the latest changes from LL's puppetry viewer (joint constraints are now on file instead of being hard-coded).
  • Backported from LL's viewer support for of the new estate bots (scripted agents) banning flag. There is a new "Must not be a scripted agent" check box for it in the access section of the "Estate" tab in the "Region info" floater.
  • Backported from LL's PBR viewer "reduce occlusion culling frame stalls".
  • Backported from LL's PBR viewer a fix for materials sometimes rendering with alpha blending when they should not.
  • Fixed failure to reset when needed the vertex buffers for the sky and heavenly bodies.
  • Removed the possibility to disable the shinies and bump maps shader (and the corresponding check box in the graphics preferences), since all OpenGL v2+ drivers can do it.
  • Improved the texture bias algorithm by freeing memory from old textures each time the discard bias is changed (reduces the risks of entering a yo-yo effect in textures LODs changes).
  • Fixed the failure to boost textures rezzing after a far TP when the discard bias reached 3.0 in the departure place.
  • Improved the avatar profile floater, by adding a 1:1 aspect ratio check box to the "2nd life" tab profile picture, and by displaying the checked interests and skills in the "Interests" tab with a more visible font color for other avatars than yours.
  • Do not link any more against libboost_atomic (we have been using std::atomic for a while now).
  • Removed totally deprecated files (attentionsN.xml and genepool.xml) from the distribution.
  • Updated FMOD Studio to v2.02.13.
  • Linux x86_64 only: updated the expat library to v2.5.0 and rebuilt libapr, libxmlrpc-epi and libfontconfig against it. This library is now also statically linked to official builds binaries (avoids having to bundle/distribute it).
  • Code cleanup and reshuffling.

Enjoy ! :D

2023-03-25 09:57:19
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5935
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a maintenance release and a recommended update.

Cool VL Viewer v1.30.2.8 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Fixed the bad login screen background texture for the Silver skin (broken one month ago, when I converted the equivalent texture for the default skin from JPEG2000 to PNG (for decoding speed), and forgot the Silver skin texture conversion): strange that no one reported this so far (is anyone using the Silver skin ?).
  • Backported from LL's viewer a couple fixes to media textures wrongly flagged to use mipmaps on creation and then recreated on each update. This seems to have cured the media textures flickering that was seen when using GL shared context threaded creation with them; as a result, the "GLWorkerUseForMedia" and "GLWorkerUseForStreamingMedia" debug settings are now defaulting to TRUE (i.e. my workarounds are disabled): please report any flickering seen (if none are reported, these workarounds will be entirely removed).
  • Improved again the texture discard bias algorithm. See this message for details. Added an "Upd/frame" (decode priority updates per frame) stat to the texture console.
  • Added new parameters to the OpenLuaFloater() Lua function and added a ShowLuaFloater() function. See the updated Lua manual for full details. Also made it so that when setting a new root folder for an inventory list in a custom Lua floater, the sub-folders are no more auto-opened recursively.
  • Added a "Compiling shaders..." message to the splash screen on startup (since this step can take time, and could also possibly fail on some old systems).
  • Removed the deprecated/useless (no-op) --ignorepixeldepth command line switch and the corresponding "IgnorePixelDepth" debug setting.
  • Linux only: fixed an issue with xmlrpc-epi's presence detection when compiling using system libraries. For ARM64 builds, now properly require expat presence on the build system (since we'd otherwise need an updated pre-built package with a static version of this library).
  • Linux only: updated ELFIO to v3.11.
  • Linux only x86_64: updated libSDL to v2.26.4 and recompiled libndofdev against it.
  • Linux x86_64 only: rebuilt Dullahan against the latest CEF 111 release (with security fixes).
  • Code cleanup and reshuffling.

Enjoy ! :D

2023-04-01 10:22:15
Profile WWW

Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5935
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a maintenance release.

Cool VL Viewer v1.30.2.9 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Backported from LL's viewer a better fix (based on a backlog) for inventory items modifications seen happening during inventory notifications callbacks.
  • Backported from LL's viewer PBR a change to the maximum value for the reflection probe ambiance extended environment parameter.
  • Removed the "GLWorkerUseForStreamingMedia" debug setting (use "GLWorkerUseForMedia" instead, if at all needed).
  • Added a new "RecreateMediaGLTexOnUpdate" debug setting (defaulting to FALSE), in case you would see GL freezes while playing media (never seen by me, but LL saw it with their viewer, under Windows, with NVIDIA cards); should you need to enable it, please let me know ! When enabling this setting you would also likely need to set "GLWorkerUseForMedia" to FALSE to avoid flickering media textures.
  • Fixed the failure to auto-open the root inventory folder in Lua custom floaters inventory lists, when that root folder is two levels or deeper in the inventory.
  • Implemented a new "Tiny" font specification for normalized font names (e.g. "SansSerifTiny").
  • Fixed the "NotecardEditorFont" debug setting value not being taken into account on viewer startup (but only on change in a running session).
  • Added a new "ScriptEditorFont" debug setting to allow changing easily the script editor font for something else (e.g. "CourrierTiny", which uses the RobotoMono font with the new "Tiny" size).
  • Added syntax highlighting and tool tips support for the new llList2ListSlice(), llListFindStrided() and llListSortStrided() LSL functions.
  • Synced parallel_hashmap with latest upstream changes.
  • Code cleanup with removal of dead code, and minor optimizations.

Enjoy ! :D

2023-04-08 09:21:09
Profile WWW

Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5935
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a maintenance and feature release.

Cool VL Viewer v1.30.2.10 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Fixed a bug in Lua print() that caused a crash whenever it was used early during the viewer startup procedure (before the chat floater was constructed); print()'ed text is now buffered and printed after the chat floater is ready.
  • Fixed a potential crash bug case in LLViewerObject::boostTexturePriority().
  • Fixed a potential crash bug case in inventory background fetching methods.
  • Implemented a work around for recent issues (server-side bug, obviously) seen with offered inventory in SL (failure to open newly offered items when configured to auto-open them), by retrying the failed inventory fetches. Extended the auto-accept and auto-open features to encompass sound and animation inventory items.
  • Reworked/reimplemented the context menus code for line and text editors and added the "Undo" and "Redo" entries/actions for text editors. Added support for "custom" cut/copy/paste entries/actions in context menus (used by Lua: see below).
  • Added Lua context menu entries support. See the updated Lua manual for the new OnContextMenu() callback and LuaContextMenu(), PasteToContextHandler(), SetClipBoardString() functions.
  • Added new "Clear texture cache (after restart)" and "Clear object cache (after restart)" entries in the "Advanced" -> "Caches" menu, to allow clearing those caches independently.
  • Now properly disable the cache-related UI elements in the "Preferences" floater -> "Network & web" tab whenever the caches are in read-only mode (i.e. when the viewer is a second, simultaneously running instance of the Cool VL Viewer).
  • Code cleanup.

Enjoy ! :D

2023-04-15 09:20:44
Profile WWW

Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5935
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a minor (*) maintenance release, but nonetheless a recommended update.

Cool VL Viewer v1.30.2.11 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Fixed the bug introduced in last week's release and that caused spurious preview floaters to pop up on login with an empty or old inventory cache.
  • Added an experimental "RenderTouchTextures" debug setting (defaulting to TRUE) to mimic what happens in LL's PBR viewer (when set to FALSE): it seems to help in releasing bound GL textures no more in use (e.g. used only in culled objects), but also seems to be causing incomplete texture fetches (with blurry textures) and an increased usage of VRAM memory; I will have to investigate more seriously and refine this algorithm before it could be adopted...
  • Updated the boost libraries to v1.82, and recompiled colladadom against them.
  • Linux x86_64 only: updated jemalloc to the latest git version.
  • Linux x86_64 only: rebuilt Dullahan against the latest CEF 112 release (with security fixes).

Enjoy ! :D

(*) By lack of time to develop in the past week. Yet, the minor bug introduced in v1.30.2.10 was annoying enough (especially for new users), that I felt compelled to publish a release this week.

2023-04-22 08:27:45
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5935
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a maintenance release and a recommended update.

Cool VL Viewer v1.30.2.12 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Backported from LL's PBR viewer a better and faster method for rendering particles; it also lifts the contraints on the maximum number of rendered particles imposed by the maximum vertex buffer size (it now uses one much smaller vertex buffer per particle group, instead of a single max-sized vertex buffer for all groups).
  • Backported from LL's PBR viewer a rendering optimization with better textures batching.
  • Fixed a minor prioritizing issue in the texture fetcher algorithm.
  • Removed the experimental "RenderTouchTextures" setting added in last release, and reworked the algorithm to not touch textures for objects in rebuild queue, so that, for example, rezzing objects that will finally get culled once everything is rezzed, do not trigger useless textures download and usage; this helps lowering the texture memory usage in some cases.
  • Refined yet again the texture discard bias algorithm: it now uses finer grained steps when decreasing the bias, so to better amortize the remaining yo-yo cases, and find a more accurate bias equilibrium value.
  • Backported the latest changes from LL's puppetry viewer, with the new feature for sending joints parameters back to the plugin after each IK computation.
  • Linux only: added a feature to detect core frequency changes during the CPU micro benchmark and each time the About floater is opened, allowing to update the actual max frequency for the core the viewer main thread is running on.
  • Linux x86_64 only: updated jemalloc to the latest git version.
  • Linux x86_64 only: rebuilt Dullahan against the latest CEF 113 release (with security fixes).
  • Code cleanup and minor optimizations.

Enjoy ! :D

2023-05-06 09:17:00
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5935
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a maintenance release and a recommended update.

Cool VL Viewer v1.30.2.13 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Fixed a crash bug (so far only seen happening under Windows) due to bad viewer window resize event propagation and fragile code in LLMenuGL. See this thread for details.
  • Fixed a bug, introduced in v1.30.2.10 (as a side effect of the revival of the whole inventory object creation observer), which caused spurious opening of the Inventory floater when adding wearable items to the agent's outfit with "Automatically show newly accepted objects in inventory" checked in the "Preferences" floater "Notifications", tab. See this thread for details.
  • Greatly improved the GL textures memory management, by NOT setting systematically all "no discard" and all "boosted" textures as "no delete", and added a new "stale no delete textures cleanup" algorithm. This prevents seeing the RAM and (worst) the VRAM clobbered with no more used textures and makes room for higher resolution textures. As a side effect, the viewer may yet reload faster and larger textures when the FOV changes dramatically (e.g. turning around or camming far), which in turn may cause the VRAM to fill up "too fast"; to mitigate this issue, made the VRAM checks more frequent (and adaptive: every 500ms in normal conditions instead of every second, and every 250ms when the VRAM is almost full), with extrapolation to next check and smarter discard bias adjustments. The new cleanup algorithm is governed by the added "StaleGLImageCleanupMaxDelay" and "StaleGLImageCleanupMinDelay" debug settings, and setting the latter to 0 would disable it.
  • Added a bunch of missing tool tips and highlighting to the script editor for recently added SIM_STAT_* LSL constants.
  • Linux x86_64 only: updated jemalloc to the latest git version, with a potential crash bug fixed.
  • Code cleanup and minor optimizations.

Enjoy ! :D

2023-05-13 08:28:44
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5935
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a maintenance release.

Cool VL Viewer v1.30.2.14 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Backported from Firestorm (Beq janus' code) a workaround for OpenSim bogus non-power-of-two terrain texture sizes.
  • Backported from LL's PBR viewer the reversal of a putative fix for "transparent alpha being white in some materials" due to "critical flaw of the fix replacing material (sometimes server side included) and ignoring user and script input in some cases that makes scripts misbehave".
  • Fixed a bad render target binding for shadows in "Sun and Moon shadows only" rendering mode.
  • Backported from LL's viewer a couple speed optimizations when resizing or destroying UI elements.
  • Backported from LL's PBR viewer the removal of the totally bogus (and never used) low priority rebuild queue in the render pipeline (it was controlled by the "RenderDelayVBUpdate" debug setting, which was TRUE by default, but thankfully set to FALSE for all graphics cards via their own default settings).
  • Backported from LL's PBR viewer a couple of changes/improvements to the llrender library.
  • Backported from LL's PBR viewer the removal of inoperative LLGLStates (leftovers of the pre-Windlight era).
  • Removed the inoperative "RenderFogRatio" graphics setting (another remnant of the pre-Windlight era).
  • Replaced the three transparent water, water reflections and reflection details settings with just one "RenderWaterReflectionType" setting (controlled via a single combo in the "Preferences" floater, "Graphics" tab, "Renderer settings" sub-tab). As a result, your graphics card will be reevaluated (the featuretable.txt version has been incremented) and the graphics settings set accordingly: you might therefore want to review them to customize them back to your likings/needs after the first launch of this release.
  • Now properly refresh the Graphics tab of the Preferences floater whenever graphics settings are changed via another mean (e.g. the Advanced menu or its shortcut keys) while that floater is open.
  • Added a "DestroyUnseenVolumeVB" debug setting (defaulting to TRUE) to control the feature which periodically destroys vertex buffers associated with non-rendered volumes so to free up some VRAM; this feature was removed from LL's PBR viewer, but I found it to still be desirable to keep VRAM usage in line...
  • Fixed the missing texture coordinates strider in the image preview floater for uploading sculpt textures.
  • Synced parallel_hashmap with latest upstream changes.
  • Updated FMOD Studio to v2.02.14.
  • Updated the Lua library to v5.4.6.
  • Updated the meshoptimizer library to v0.19.
  • Linux x86_64 only: updated libSDL to v2.26.5 and rebuilt libndofdev against it.
  • Linux x86_64 only: updated jemalloc to the latest git version.
  • Code cleanup, removal of dead code and a couple unused shader files, and minor optimizations.

Enjoy ! :D

2023-05-27 09:59:25
Profile WWW
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