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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5912
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a recommended update.

Cool VL Viewer v1.32.2.10 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Fixed the forever-sticking "glTF" status bar indicator when not in PBR rendering mode and after visiting a sim with glTF asset handle objects.
  • Fixed a potential crash bug in LLFace::getGeometryVolume().
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop a fix to a potential crash in LLViewerTexture::getNumFaces().
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop a fix to a potential crash in LLRenderTarget::getTexture().
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop "voice visualizer dot not always visible after crossing region boundaries".
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop a fix for "crash on Intel GPUs (or anywhere OpenGL compatibility profile is used)" in PBR rendering mode.
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop "sanity-clamp haze contribution to avoid NaN-like blowouts" in PBR shaders.
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop (Rye Mutt's contribution) a fix for font bitmaps being wrongly compressed when using the compress textures feature.
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop (Rye Mutt's contribution) proper GL image memory accounting when using a HDRI sky texture preview.
  • Backported from LL's Atlasaurus viewer (Rye Mutt's contribution) a fix for cube snapshots shadow maps getting potentially (i.e. when changing the default 1.0 shadow map scaling setting) wrongly scaled.
  • Backported from LL's Atlasaurus viewer (Rye Mutt's contribution) an optimization for shadows rendering in reflection probes, by skipping the SSAO and shadow softening steps for them.
  • Backported from LL's Atlasaurus viewer the glTF upload feature. It is for now only enabled when logged in Aditi, and I could not find a simulator supporting it to test it properly for now (uploading textures will work anywhere, but uploading the glTF bin blob and JSON data will fail unless you can find a simulator supporting it). The corresponding "Upload glTF" entry can be found in the object pie "glTF asset >" sub-menu.
  • Backported (and adapted) from LL's Atlasaurus viewer a new mirror probe update algorithm.
  • Added tool tips and syntax highlighting support in the script editor for the new LSL functions, events and constants implemented for the "Combat2" system.
  • Fixed the misspelling of "glTF" in various UI strings, notifications and log messages.
  • Updated the boost libraries to v1.86.
  • Patched colladadom to use C++11 std::regex in favour of PCRE regex, thus getting entirely rid of the libpcre dependency for the viewer as well. Recompiled colladadom against boost v1.86.
  • Recompiled llwebrtc against LL's latest sources and new webrtc-sdk version, with fixes for failing voice devices setup sometimes encountered on region or parcel borders crossing. Note: I for now kept my "auto tune" workaround for the latter issue enabled, by lack of sufficient testing, but you may consider trying and disabling it by setting "VoiceWebRTCAutoTuneDuration" to 0 in the debug settings.
  • Updated tinyexr to v1.0.9.
  • Some code cleanup.

Enjoy ! :D

2024-08-24 09:37:36
Profile WWW

Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5912
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a recommended update. (*)

Cool VL Viewer v1.32.2.11 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Backported from LL's Atlasaurus viewer full support for PBR terrain scale/offset/rotation overrides (with proper parameters fetching via the new "ModifyRegion" capability and support for setting them via the "Region/estate" floater).
  • Fixed a bug in the "Region/estate" floater which failed to enable the "Apply" button in its "Ground textures" tab, when changing the latter for PBR materials or changing their materials.
  • Backported and adapted from LL's viewer-develop a fix to prevent failures to compile shaders needed for glTF assets rendering (seen with some Intel drivers) from blocking PBR renderer usage at all. In this case, you would only be blocked from getting glTF assets rendered, would be notified the first time such an asset needs rendering, and the corresponding red "glTF" status bar indicator would appear.
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop "do not calculate and store silhouette edges for nearly every geometric prim with a corner".
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop fixes for potential crashes due to missing GL image data format types support (may be seen happening on macOS).
  • Fixed a use-after-free bug (found by gcc 14) in the path-finding nav-mesh code.
  • Fixed the bug which caused the PBR textures rotation to be wrongly set in radians rather than in degrees when changing it in the Edit floater.
  • Allow more than 250 characters in the "1st life" tab of avatar profiles.
  • Changed the stepping from 60 to 5 for the frame rate limiter spinner in the "Cool features" tab, "Misc." sub-tab of the "Preferences" floater (it is beneficial to set the limiter 5fps above your monitor vertical refresh frequency, to better exploit the triple buffering feature of OpenGL and get smoother frame rates).
  • Code cleanup.

Enjoy ! :D

(*) EDIT: do not update to it, please: found a random crash bug in "do not calculate and store silhouette edges for nearly every geometric prim with a corner". v1.32.2.12 will fix it.

2024-08-31 09:22:10
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5912
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a recommended update for everyone and a mandatory update for users of v1.32.2.11.

Cool VL Viewer v1.32.2.12 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Reverted "do not calculate and store silhouette edges for nearly every geometric prim with a corner" introduced in last release and which caused random crashes on some objects selections.
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop a fix to a crash happening in PBR mode when both a glTF asset is rendered, and a rigged mesh using a PBR texture is also rendered.
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop a "fix for some visual corruption caused by divide by zero in lighting functions".
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop (Rye Mutt's contribution) "introduce Khronos neutral tone mapper as new default along with debug options to control tone map mix". Added the possibility to disable tone mapping entirely, and exposed the corresponding tone map settings in the "Advanced" -> "Rendering" -> "Deferred rendering" menu.
  • Fixed the Sun disc texture not rendering in PBR mode.
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop "fix some race conditions on WebRTC voice connection shutdown".
  • Backported from LL's rider/Combat2 viewer the support for setting the new LSL Combat 2 system parameters from the "Region/estate" floater (General tab) in simulators implementing it.
  • Fixed the bug introduced in last release and which caused the "Region/estate" floater to fail to display non-PBR terrain textures in PBR-terrain capable sims.
  • Linux only: recompiled Dullahan against the latest CEF 128 version.
  • Linux x86_64 only: updated jemalloc to the latest git version.
  • Code cleanup.

Enjoy ! :D

2024-09-07 13:15:51
Profile WWW

Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5912
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

Since annoying PBR-related issues have been fixed, all users should update to this release.

Cool VL Viewer v1.32.2.13 v1.32.2.14 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Reintroduced "do not calculate and store silhouette edges for nearly every geometric prim with a corner" with the crash bug fixed (see the change logs for the two former releases).
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop "fix for some sculpts getting wrong LOD".
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop "do not enable Vivox spatial when teleporting while in a WebRTC conference/p2p/group call".
  • Fixed the failure to render textures on alpha-blended PBR materials. See this thread for details.
  • Backported from LL's viewer DeltaFPS the new font vertex buffer caching code which speeds up the UI drawing a great deal. Implemented usage of this feature in all UI elements but text editors (too costly, especially in script editors, due to the high number of "text segments" in them) and in-world objects hover-text (which includes avatar names) because this method is not compatible with draw sort/ordering (causing text flickering and bleeding/bogus rendering through walls). Added two debug settings to control this feature ("UseFontVertexBuffers" and "UseFontVBForHUDText"), the main toggle being exposed as a new "Use font vertex buffers" entry in the "Advanced" -> "Rendering" menu.
  • Fixed the bug that got introduced in last release and was causing the CAS shader to wrongly use the non-anti-aliased buffer in PBR mode. See this thread for details.
  • Backported from LL's viewer DeltaFPS a better SMAA rendering pipeline algorithm (less target buffer manipulations and two less buffers allocated) for the PBR renderer.
  • Reordered the post processing steps for PBR rendering so that things happen in the right order (FXAA or SMAA first, then CAS, then DOF), and fixed the color "banding" seen on some smooth color-graded surfaces.
  • Linux only: added space key translation capability for key bindings (contribution from MagicCraftMaster).
  • Updated Tracy to v1.11.1.
  • Linux only: libSDL updated to v2.30.7 and libndofdev recompiled against it.
  • Linux x86_64 only: updated jemalloc to the latest git version.
  • Code cleanup and reshuffling.
  • EDIT ( fixed a crash encountered when trying to join a Vivox voice group session.
  • EDIT ( fixed a few rendering glitches in the new font vertex buffer feature (missing text when animating group notices, bad emojis and ellipsis support in text boxes and buttons).

Enjoy ! :D

2024-09-14 08:41:22
Profile WWW

Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5912
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a recommended update.

Cool VL Viewer v1.32.2.15 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Fixed several rendering glitches seen when the new "Advanced" -> "Rendering" -> "Use font vertex buffers" optimization is checked. One part is a proper fix to the line editor refreshing issue, the other is a workaround for a weird issue seen happening only when a line of text is rendered with glyphs coming from mixed fonts (e.g. SansSerif and Emoji fonts) and which caused part of the text to fail to render until refreshed at least once (since I could not figure out why this occurs at all, the workaround therefore implements a systematic one-time refresh after a font vertex buffer is created or updated).
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop a "fix for particles not loading textures".
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop a minor speed optimization for fonts rendering.
  • Updated the CEF plugin code so that the latest CEF versions can find the shared cookies store (with CEF 128, at least, the files for that cookies store have moved into a Default/ sub-folder of the CEF cache directory tree).
  • Implemented a friends/groups name filter search box/feature for the "New IM" panel of the "Communicate" floater.
  • Recompiled the Lua library with the latest upstream patches fixing all known bugs in v5.4.7.
  • Linux only: recompiled Dullahan against the latest CEF 128 version.
  • Small code cleanup and minor speed optimizations.

Enjoy ! :D

2024-09-21 08:53:18
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5912
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a recommended update.

Cool VL Viewer v1.32.2.16 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop "fix noise post effect due to missing uniform" (Rye Mutt's contribution) in PBR rendering mode.
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop (Rye Mutt's contribution) support for 2K local baked textures preview (seen when editing your avatar's appearance), but made it a configurable setting (per-account setting, to cover potential issues with some OpenSim grids), which "Use 2K local bakes (after restart)" toggle is available in the "Advanced" -> "Character" menu. Further reworked how dynamic textures are rendered so that they do render properly whatever their size or purpose (glTF materials preview, visual parameter hint, animated texture, or local avatar bake), and using a target buffer or not, where appropriate.
  • Fixed the wrong lighting in avatar previews (visual parameter hint, model upload preview) that was seen in forward rendering mode.
  • Implemented a work around in the "Make new outfit" floater for a server-side bug in AISv3 inventory fetching (which sometimes never completes), by not any more disabling check boxes for attachments when their corresponding inventory items are not reported as "complete" and AISv3 inventory fetching is enabled.
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop "honor flag sent by server indicating server side autopilot is engaged; when flag is set allow sever to update local avatar rotation".
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop a few speed optimizations (agent's avatar visual parameters refreshes, fonts rendering, GL sphere rendering, base environment settings parameters caching)
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop, and further improved, a speed optimization avoiding to recalculate pointlessly (since too often) the virtual area of faces (which I expanded to avoid recalculating their virtual texture size).
  • Optimized (pretty much rewrote) the "Texture view" console to make it much less of a CPU hog and to avoid stupidly reallocating up to 51 UI views every frame (!).
  • Added tool tips and syntax highlighting support to the script editor for game-control related new LSL constants and events (support for sending such events is however not yet implemented, since still a work in progress in LL's game-control project viewer).
  • Added tool tips and syntax highlighting support to the script editor for the new DAMAGEABLE and SIT_FLAG_NO_DAMAGE LSL constants.
  • Updated FMOD Studio to v2.03.03.
  • Linux x86_64 only: updated jemalloc to the latest git version.
  • Code cleanup and additional minor speed optimizations.

Enjoy ! :D

2024-09-28 10:39:09
Profile WWW

Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5912
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a maintenance release.

Cool VL Viewer v1.32.2.17 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Fixed a crash bug seen happening in PBR rendering mode when RLV texture rendering restrictions are in force. See this thread for details.
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop a fix to font vertex buffer rendering, allowing to take into account the depth translation for in-world text and properly occlude it. As a result, removed my workaround (and the associated "UseFontVBForHUDText" debug setting) to skip rendering in-world text with font vertex buffers.
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop an optimization to the PBR renderer, skipping useless target buffer clearing. Since this might cause render glitches, a new "RenderClearAllTargets" debug setting allows to turn if off if needed.
  • Linux only: backported from LL's viewer-develop (Rye Mutt's contribution) a fix to a potential failure to identify AMD GPUs when using some specific configurations of the Mesa drivers.
  • Linux only: updated SDL2 to v2.30.8, zlib-ng to v2.2.2, expat to v2.6.3, libxml2 to v2.13.4, libapr to v1.7.5, freetype to v2.13.3, CEF to v129, and recompiled all the libraries depending on them.
  • Minor code cleanup.

Enjoy ! :D

2024-10-05 08:37:26
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5912
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a maintenance release.

Cool VL Viewer v1.32.2.18 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Implemented support for non-outfit-related inventory links (i.e. now supporting inventory links for all types of inventory objects: animations, sounds, textures, note cards, scripts, materials, settings, calling cards, etc). The folder links are also supported, but their creation is disabled by default for the "Paste as link" feature, since folder links are of strictly no practical use (they do not act as genuine folders); if you ever need them, the debug setting to enable their creation is "AllowInventoryFolderLinking".
  • Changed the maximum usable texture memory estimation (now 1.25*bound textures instead of 2*), to better match what is being seen in texture usage and better adjust texture discard bias.
  • Improved the scroll lists browsing with the Up/Down keys and enabled SHIFT+Up/Down to extend the selection in multi-select enabled lists.
  • Fixed a last character truncation issue sometimes seen in alert box messages.
  • Added a new "Refresh attachments" feature to the "Advanced" -> "Character" menu, which sends a new request to the server for (re)attaching all objects that the viewer "knows" they should be attached to your avatar. This might help with the new server-side bug recently introduced and causing missing attachments (very unlikely to be seen happening in the Cool VL Viewer), or attachments with unresponsive scripts, or attachments you cannot detach. See this post for details.
  • Linux only: recompiled Dullahan against the latest CEF 129 version.
  • Minor code cleanup.

Enjoy ! :D

2024-10-12 08:41:36
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5912
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a maintenance release and a recommended update.

Cool VL Viewer v1.32.2.19 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Extended the "Refresh attachments" feature to also refresh HUD attachments.
  • Implemented a new "Refresh attachments on sim changes" feature (toggle in the "Advanced" -> "Character" menu), which is enabled by default and allows to work around the new sim server bug in SL (this feature is not used/available in OpenSim) by automatically triggering a worn attachments refresh when your avatar moves to a new region (be it via TP or sim border crossing).
  • Improved the texture discard bias algorithm when encountering low VRAM conditions; it should now be less prone to initiate a textures reloading yo-yo.
  • Fixed bad UI refreshing issues in the "Region/estate" floater, a bad initialization for the combat "Restore health" check box, and backported from LL's viewer-develop the addition of the grid coordinates and estate Id displaying in this floater.
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop support for displaying sim grid coordinates in the World map floater; this is implemented in the form of a new "Show sim grid coordinates" check box in the floater, with the coordinates displayed under the sim name for each map tile when that box is checked.
  • Added support for the new llMapBeacon() LSL function, which includes server to viewer messaging changes, as well as syntax highlighting and tool tips support in the script editor for this function and the related BEACON_MAP new LSL constant.
  • Linux x86_64 only: updated jemalloc to the latest git version.
  • Minor code cleanup.

Enjoy ! :D

2024-10-19 09:32:16
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Joined: 2009-03-17 18:42:51
Posts: 5912
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Here is a new release of the Cool VL Viewer, available now from

This is a maintenance release and a recommended update.

Cool VL Viewer v1.32.2.20 (stable branch):

New in this release:
  • Fixed a bug in the PBR terrain texture overrides support (failure to use the sim-server provided data to render them).
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop "restore tone mapping to ACES with a slight mix towards linear and raise exposure slider limit to 4". Also changed the default exposure to 0.5, and reduced its lower limit in the preferences slider to 0.1.
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop a fix to "worn transparent prims no longer show with 'Highlight transparent'".
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop a fix to "the 'No device' option is not displayed in the 'Input/Output' drop-down boxes" for the WebRTC voice devices settings.
  • Backported from LL's viewer-develop "convert WebRTC and experience coroutines into idle callbacks".
  • Properly abort delayed one-shot or periodic idle callbacks when the viewer shuts down.
  • Further (and greatly) improved the texture discard bias algorithm to automatically adjust the maximum usable amount of bound textures (instead of relying on a fixed setting) depending on VRAM usage as calculated by the viewer (faster than relying on slow-updating and not always available OpenGL calls to get the free VRAM as seen by the driver), this calculation is also properly taking into account frame and vertex buffers usage. The result is much smoother variations of the texture discard bias with less risks to hit the low VRAM limit and cause a sudden textures blurring. See this message for details.
  • Fixed the check mark for the "Refresh attachments on sim changes" feature (in the "Advanced" -> "Character" menu), that was not properly reflecting the actual enabled/disabled state.
  • Resynced parallel_hashmap with upstream's latest git version, with a potential crash bug fixed.
  • Linux only: updated Dullahan to use the latest CEF 130 release; Dullahan also now explicitly disables the (unused) Chrome extensions (prevents the creation of a spurious "bin/llplugin/extensions" sub-directory in the installation directory, as seen happening with latest CEF versions; the Linux installer now takes care to remove that spurious sub-directory when it finds one).
  • Some code cleanup and minor optimizations.

Enjoy ! :D

2024-10-26 08:56:25
Profile WWW
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